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Everything you need to know about the 7 Chakras

This blog is about everything you need to know about the 7 Chakras

The 7 Chakras energy centers can be used as helpful tools to living your richest life, conversely not being aware of them can have the opposite effect of harming people who are unaware of them.Here is everything you need to know.

Chakras are known through Indian religions as being an energy point that are part of the spiritual body, not the physical body, and the word itself comes from the Sanskrit meaning for “wheel”. From Hindi, the chakra is translated to “wheel of spinning energy”.

Basically a chakra is where you get your energy from and its believed if you are having any problems with health or mood, tending to your chakra can cure (or at least assist) you.

There are 7 chakras, all of which need to remain balanced if we want our lives to run smoothly. If one of our chakra centres is not working properly, the others won’t function either. Some of them might even work TOO much — for example over thinking with the third eye — which is believed to affect our bodies and emotions drastically.

When are emotions are out of balance, our health becomes out of balance and that’s when illness, aches and pains occur. This is why it’s so important to know your chakras and what you can do to ensure they are all in good working order.

These are the 7 chakras, their meanings, the issues they might cause and how to fix them:

1. Root Chakra: This is located at the base of the spine and represents our feeling of remaining grounded. Emotional issues that the root chakra impacts include our financial independence, and our relationship with money and food. If there are imbalances you might experience things like fatigue, lower back pain, depression, sciatica and anaemia.

FIX — Face your fears. Take a barefoot walk or dance, deal with the fears and throw them to the wind.

2. Sacral Chakra: Located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the belly button, this represents our ability to accept new experiences. Emotionally it provides a sense of abundance and pleasure. If it has any imbalance, it can result in eating disorders, depression, lower back pain, allergies, urinary problems and alcohol or drug abuse.

FIX — Figure out what it is that is bothering you and fix what can be fixed, relax if they can’t be fixed. Don’t dwell. Enjoy the things you like.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach, this chakra represents our confidence and how in control of our lives we are. Emotionally it gives us self confidence and self esteem, however if imbalanced it can lead to digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, constipation and poor memory.

FIX — Boost your self confidence. Go for a beauty treatment or hit the gym or take up a sport.

4. Heart Chakra: This one represents our ability to love and is located in the centre of the chest, just above your heart. Emotionally it allows for inner peace, joy and love, but if it is imbalanced, it can cause chest pain, high blood pressure, immune system issues, heart or breast cancer, and heart disorders.

FIX — Hard to heal, focus on the positive things in life and appreciate what you have.

5. Throat Chakra: This chakra represents our ability to communicate with others and gives us feelings of self-expressions and a need for the truth. It is located in the throat and if off-balance can provide things like swollen glands, thyroid imbalances, flu, hyperactivity, PMS and bloating.

FIX — Be honest with yourself. Sing, write, talk. Anything that stimulates communication.

6. Third Eye Chakra: This gives us an ability to focus on and see the big picture, provides intuition, imagination, wisdom and allows us to make decisions. It’s located between the eyes on the forehead and if it is imbalanced, it can cause fevers and flu, injections, learning disabilities, sleep disorders, neck and shoulder problems, thyroid imbalances and problems with coordination.

FIX — Meditate. Do eye exercises and focus on the horizon or look at the stars. Focus on small things, like an ant crawling on the ground. Concentrate.

7. Crown Chakra: The crown is located at the very top of our head and represents our connection to spirituality. If off-balance it can lead to mental illness, headaches, brain disorders, epilepsy, skin rashes and senility.

FIX — Do more of the things that make you feel at peace, rather than focus on material things.

Start today and see the changes a balanced Chakra can bring into your life.

Wishing one and all blessings, love and light.

This blog is about Understanding the Seven Chakras Base Chakra to Crown Chakra

The word Chakra comes from the Sanskrit ‘cakra’ meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’ also at times referred to as the ‘wheel of life’. Some traditional sources describe the human body of possessing five or seven chakras; even others claim the presence of eight.

Knowledge of the chakras goes back to the beginning of time.  The birthplace of the human race is said to have occurred in Tanzania, Central Africa, in which there is a mountain considered sacred to the country, known as Mount Meru. Myth would have it that the ‘journey of life’ is represented in this venerated Mountain in the climb from bottom to top; Root Chakra to Crown Chakra. Interestingly enough mention of ‘Mount Meru’ appears in ancient Egyptian and Indian mythology demonstrating that both these ancient cultures possessed knowledge and understanding of the chakra system as it relates to the human body.

Another primary source of chakra knowledge and teachings have been derived from the ancient Hindu scriptures ‘The Upanishads’ originally passed down through oral teachings for approximately a thousand years before being recorded in written form somewhere between 1200 – 900 BCE.

It is from Tantric Yoga that the majority of our current teachings on the human energy field have evolved. Tantric philosophy and teachings uphold a number of ancient esoteric fields including those of the Chakras, Astronomy, Astrology, Kundalini and Hatha yoga.

The last half of the 20th century has seen a re-emergence in the disciplines and practice of ancient wisdoms and teachings. Modern day research into Bio-Magnetic Fields and Resonance, and Quantum Physics’, now support and indeed verifies the efficacy of working on and within the human Bio-Magnetic as a means of healing. In fact practitioners specialising in Energy/Chakra work on the premise that all ill health is initially identified in the individual’s energy field, prior to its’ actual physical manifestation.

The benefits of a regular ‘energetic tune-up’ would appear to be a worthwhile exercise for all aspects of health. These energy centres are located in a straight line between the head and the feet. They are responsible for our physical, mental and spiritual functioning. Any blockage in either of them could lead to impaired mental, physical or spiritual functioning.

These energy centres are located in a straight line between the head and the feet. They are responsible for our physical, mental and spiritual functioning. Any blockage in either of them could lead to improper mental, physical all spiritual functioning.

The Seven Chakras

Base chakra

First chakra

Colour: red

It is located at the base of the spine (coccyx) and symbolizes the link between our physical existence and the outer world. It is associated with our overall wellbeing and health.  A blockage in this chakra surfaces as illness

Sacral chakra

Second chakra

Colour: Orange

Located on the naval and is associated with sexuality, feelings of affection, compassion, empathy and friendship. A blockage in this chakra manifests as sexual problems and social incompetency.

Solar plexus

Third chakra

Colour: Yellow

It is located on the solar plexus and is associated with digestion systems, gut feelings and personal expression. Blockages in this chakra manifest inform of over conceptualization, low self-esteem and digestion problems.

Heart chakra

Fourth chakra

Colour: Green

It is located in the middle of the chest and is associated with love, kindness and emotional balance. Blockages manifest in form of possessiveness, anger and respiratory and cardiac issues.

Throat chakra

Fifth chakra

Colour: Blue

Located on the throat; it is associated with communication. Blockages manifest inform of challenges in self-expression.

Third eye

Sixth chakra

Colour: Indigo

It is located in the space between the eyebrows. It is associated with mental clarity hence a blockage can manifest inform of mental cloudiness and eye problems.

Crown chakra

Seventh chakra

Colour: Violet

Located on the top of the head; It is associated with a connection to the universe/God. An imbalance in this chakra can manifest inform of depression or spiritual disconnect.

“There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it.” Elizabeth A. Behnke

Wishing you all Serenity, Wisdom and a Multitude of Blessings

Cecelia x

This blog is about understanding the seven chakras

The seven Chakra energy centers can be used as helpful tools to living your richest life, conversely not being aware of them can have the opposite effect of harming people who are unaware of them. Here is everything you need to know.

Chakras are known through Indian religions as being an energy point that are part of the spiritual body, not the physical body, and the word itself comes from the Sanskrit meaning for “wheel”. From Hindi, the chakra is translated to “wheel of spinning energy”.

Basically a chakra is where you get your energy from and its believed if you are having any problems with health or mood, tending to your chakra can cure (or at least assist) you.

There are 7 chakras, all of which need to remain balanced if we want our lives to run smoothly. If one of our chakra centres is not working properly, the others won’t function either. Some of them might even work TOO much — for example over thinking with the third eye — which is believed to affect our bodies and emotions drastically.

When are emotions are out of balance, our health becomes out of balance and that’s when illness, aches and pains occur. This is why it’s so important to know your chakras and what you can do to ensure they are all in good working order.

These are the 7 chakras, their meanings, the issues they might cause and how to fix them:

1. Root Chakra: This is located at the base of the spine and represents our feeling of remaining grounded. Emotional issues that the root chakra impacts include our financial independence, and our relationship with money and food. If there are imbalances you might experience things like fatigue, lower back pain, depression, sciatica and anaemia.

FIX — Face your fears. Take a barefoot walk or dance, deal with the fears and throw them to the wind.

2. Sacral Chakra: Located in the lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the belly button, this represents our ability to accept new experiences. Emotionally it provides a sense of abundance and pleasure. If it has any imbalance, it can result in eating disorders, depression, lower back pain, allergies, urinary problems and alcohol or drug abuse.

FIX — Figure out what it is that is bothering you and fix what can be fixed, relax if they can’t be fixed. Don’t dwell. Enjoy the things you like.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Located in the upper abdomen in the stomach, this chakra represents our confidence and how in control of our lives we are. Emotionally it gives us self confidence and self esteem, however if imbalanced it can lead to digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, constipation and poor memory.

FIX — Boost your self confidence. Go for a beauty treatment or hit the gym or take up a sport.

4. Heart Chakra: This one represents our ability to love and is located in the centre of the chest, just above your heart. Emotionally it allows for inner peace, joy and love, but if it is imbalanced, it can cause chest pain, high blood pressure, immune system issues, heart or breast cancer, and heart disorders.

FIX — Hard to heal, focus on the positive things in life and appreciate what you have.

5. Throat Chakra: This chakra represents our ability to communicate with others and gives us feelings of self-expressions and a need for the truth. It is located in the throat and if off-balance can provide things like swollen glands, thyroid imbalances, flu, hyperactivity, PMS and bloating.

FIX — Be honest with yourself. Sing, write, talk. Anything that stimulates communication.

6. Third Eye Chakra: This gives us an ability to focus on and see the big picture, provides intuition, imagination, wisdom and allows us to make decisions. It’s located between the eyes on the forehead and if it is imbalanced, it can cause fevers and flu, injections, learning disabilities, sleep disorders, neck and shoulder problems, thyroid imbalances and problems with coordination.

FIX — Meditate. Do eye exercises and focus on the horizon or look at the stars. Focus on small things, like an ant crawling on the ground. Concentrate.

7. Crown Chakra: The crown is located at the very top of our head and represents our connection to spirituality. If off-balance it can lead to mental illness, headaches, brain disorders, epilepsy, skin rashes and senility.

FIX — Do more of the things that make you feel at peace, rather than focus on material things.

Start today and see the changes a balanced Chakra can bring into your life.

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