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Tales from a Contemporary Clairvoyant

This blog is about modern Clairvoyants

Many people think of a clairvoyant as someone from long ago in history – not as a contemporary Clairvoyant - perhaps imagining a gypsy in a colourful tent in a travelling carnival, or a mystical priest standing on a mountain and predicting certain doom.

Clairvoyants live and practice in modern times as well, and have totally updated their clothes and service delivery to fit in with contemporary trends.

You might be wondering what a contemporary clairvoyant does and how to access one these days that may help you. In this article, we dispel some of the myths around clairvoyants and clear up a little of the mystery.

What does a Clairvoyant do and how do they do it?

 The services of a clairvoyant are basically the same as they have always been, with modern psychics and clairvoyants offering help and guidance to many people feeling stuck in their lives and loves.

Clairvoyance means ‘clear vision’ and is not just predicting the future, but is someone who receives intuitive information visually. This might mean seeing an image in their mind’s eye or even a movie in their heads. It may not be literal images but can be symbolic ones instead that the practitioner will be able to interpret.

While all clairvoyants are psychics not all psychics are clairvoyant, with many receiving information through other means and senses than through visions.

This can be one of the most misunderstood of all psychic abilities. It does sometimes include visions of the future or one of several possible futures, but may also include images of the present or of the past that are still affecting your life.

A clairvoyant reading may be able to help you with:

  • A current relationship that is struggling
  • How to find true love
  • What career path you should be following
  • Moving on from grief or trauma
  • Health concerns that you don’t understand
  • Self-esteem and confidence issues
  • And much more

How to connect with a Contemporary Clairvoyant

 You don’t need to look for a travelling circus or hike out to your nearest dramatic mountaintop – clairvoyants can connect with you far more conveniently these days. There are online clairvoyant services as well as phone lines and even apps.

We find that not every practitioner will match every client, and you may need to look around a little to find someone whose style and communication connects with you. Sometimes talking to a practitioner can be best which is why we offer this as one of our services. You can find my truste psychics here

Wishing you love and light, Cecelia 

This psychic blog asks the question can you become Clairvoyant

Have you ever been humming a song in your head and then you turn the radio on – and that song is playing? If this happens to you often, along with other little hints and signs that the universe might be trying to tell you something, you may have wondered, ‘Am I clairvoyant?’ 'Can I become clairvoyant?"

How can you tell if you are clairvoyant?

Clairvoyance basically means ‘clear vision’, and this word is used to define the ability to receive visions that are beyond the physical world. This includes things that most other people can’t see, such as psychic visions of angels or spirits, or things from the future or the past.

Can you become clairvoyant?

Some experts believe that every person has the ability to connect with the spirit world and receive messages – we all just vary in how open we are to receive them. Following this theory, anyone with the right practice and an open and observant mind could be clairvoyant.

Whether or not you have the ability to know what to do with these messages is another story. Not everyone can receive guidance from the spirit world and know wisely what these messages mean. Again, being able to fully understand the messages is something that takes time, expertise and practice.

If you feel like you’ve always had a sixth sense about things, then perhaps focusing and honing your skills can result in true intuition. You may have, for example, seen someone who has passed away, detected an aura around a person or thing, heard a voice or sound that wasn’t there, or just known something about someone that you couldn’t possibly otherwise have known.

Even if you’ve never had anything like a psychic feeling before, if you have a true passion for the practice and are committed to an open and intuitive mind, you may be able to hone natural clairvoyant abilities.

Here are some tips that may help:

  • You need to work on any fear you have of this sense, or any other negative blockages that may be holding you back. You also need to face any fear of being different because of your abilities.
  • Lifestyle and dietary blockages can hold you back as well. You may need to work on giving up any vices or mind-altering substances such as alcohol, tobacco, medications or caffeine.
  • Write down a list of affirmations that may help you connect with your abilities, such as ‘I am clairvoyant’, ‘I believe in my psychic abilities’, and ‘I am safe’. Read or write these over and over each day.
  • Practice visualizing images, events, dreams, and fantasies every day, in as vivid colour and detail as you can.
  • Practice meditation every day. Sit somewhere quiet and let out a long breathe until you feel calm and steady, close your eyes and really focus on seeing something in your mind’s eye.
  • Practice psychic games with cards such as Memory.
  • Carry crystals to help you connect with your intuition. Amethyst and fluorite are both known for being able to help people connect with their psychic side, but there are several others that may help as well.
  • Keep a dream journal.

All of this can help you connect with your clairvoyant side, but it does take commitment and practice to get there.

Many blessings, Cecelia


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