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Self Talk

How do you talk to yourself?

How do you communicate with you?

Do you come from a place of love?

Do you speak to yourself kindly?

Do you come from a place of understanding?

Would you communicate in this same way with someone you love?

How we speak to ourselves might just be the most important and significant ever-lasting conversation that we will have in our lifetime. Essentially, it is a direct reflection of our life and the experiences we are bound to have; the people we surround with, the love we receive, the environment we find ourselves in, the treatment we receive from the world – in other words, how we communicate with ourselves explicitly manifests into our reality, whether you want it to, intend for it to or not.

The average human has anywhere between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Most of these are not only found to be negative thoughts but also the same thoughts as the day before and the day before that and the one before. Imagine the percentage of thoughts you have a day that come from a place of judgment, about your body, the way you talk, repeatedly telling yourself “I am broke, I am tired, I am not good enough, I am fat, I am annoying, I am stuck, I am lonely, i hate my job, I have no time” the list is endless, and its on constant replay EVERY SINGLE DAY !!!

How different would our lives be if we had the same amount of thoughts but instead they came from a place of love? A place of positive affirmations? Imagine repeating 12,000+ times a day, “I am beautiful, I am healthy, money comes to me easily, love is all around me, I am worthy”, oh how different our lives would be …. simply because we'd find ourselves in a state of high vibration.

Negative thoughts = low vibration

Positive thoughts = high vibration

Whatever word we attach to “I am” has immense power over us, over our lives over what we are manifesting for ourselves. How can you be good enough if you don’t believe you are? How can you even for a second think your boss is going to think you are good enough if you cant even think so yourself ?!! We have the tendency to blame other people, blame our circumstances, blame our past, blame everything instead of taking responsibility for our doings, what do you think saying “I have no time” or “I am so tired” continuously every single day is going to do for you? Its going to make MORE OF THIS !!

Saying you hate yourself is only going to result in more hate, and saying you are broke is only going to make you more broke, we have to realise the power of our words and of our thoughts, or we will be prisoners to them for the span of our time on earth.

Our conversation with ourselves has the power to change our life, this can be a pretty big concept to grasp, and it can be overwhelming to try change all the thoughts we have at once and often unrealistic.

We want SUSTAINABLE progress; we want small actions everyday that over time make a big difference.

Did your brain change at all today? did you think anything today different to the day before?

A simple way to look at it as put by Dr. Joe Dispenza, (who I HIGHLY recommend) is;

New thoughts = new choices = new behaviours = new experiences = new emotions = new thoughts !! This is EVOLUTION.

With new thoughts we change the way we act which changes the way we feel, these three things together create our personal reality.

So, what are you doing today differently? What thoughts will you be thinking? How are you going to be better?

Affirmations are life changing; you can write them down, say them out loud, repeat them in your head, look at yourself in the mirror, it does not matter, the key is in being consistent. Whenever you get a thought you recognise as negative, simply replace it with an affirmation, this will instantly raise your vibration. If you look at yourself and think a thought born out of hatred, repeat to yourself “I love and approve of myself” over and over, I can promise you it makes all the difference in the world.

At first it will feel funny, and you might think “how can I tell myself I am beautiful/tired/broke/etc when I don’t believe I am?” Welllll, you have told yourself otherwise for 20+ years, one single affirmation isn’t going to magically change your belief system, you have to work at it everyday, Thoughts CAN be changed.

Saying “I am beautiful” is so much more than your physical appearance, it invites beautiful things into your life, beautiful experiences, beautiful friendships, beautiful thoughts, and create a loop of beautiful all kinds of things.

"If speaking kindly to plants helps them grow, imagine what speaking kindly to humans can do"

Looking at yourself in the mirror, right in your eyes and repeating affirmations has to be one of the most powerful yet confronting exercises, I invite you to include it into your everyday, try it for a week then for two and three and then a whole month and see how you go, how it makes you feel, pay attention to what feelings come up, what thoughts arise. Look at yourself and say you are proud, express your feelings of love, of gratitude, you have overcome so much, learnt so much, achieved so much, and you are still learning, still growing, so much to be thankful for, so much to love about you so much to love about life.

AUTHOR:  Valeria Loggiodice


If you need to talk to someone call us about how we can help you today, 1300 784 584


Want more Blog posts by Valeria, visit her at  https://valerialoggiodice.wixsite.com/blog


This blog is about making and keeping New Years resolutions on the path to positivity

Two weeks into the New Year and already it’s hard to keep those New Year’s resolutions going. To inspire you to keep those promises to yourself here are some affirmations to motivate you daily.

Around 4,000 years ago, the Babylonians celebrated the new year with a festival they named Akitu. Akitu was where the new king was crowned; or the people reaffirmed their loyalty to the old king. That reaffirmation was the start of the New Year’s resolution.

Throughout the thousands of years since, New Year’s resolutions have been present in almost every ancient culture and religion in some form or another. The ancient Romans made promises to their god of beginnings, Janus, that they would seek self-improvement in the New Year. Those of Jewish faith bring in their New Year by reflecting on their failings over the past year and seeking forgiveness, along with offering forgiveness to others; while Catholics and Anglicans hold a mass at midnight where they promise to be more spiritual in the new year; and so on. Many people in the psychic world also make resolutions to become more in tune with the other side, with their guides or to the spirits they might converse with (all depending on the type of psychic ability they might have).

Today, one of the main things people include when making resolutions is self-improvement of various forms. Whether that is physical, mental or spiritual depends on the person and the particular stage they might be at in their life.

If New Year’s resolutions are all too hard and you’re looking to bring some positivity into your life, try one, or some, of these positive affirmations or ideas every day:

1. I will wake every morning and smile at the good things I have in my life. If I can’t think of any, I will make sure I write down 5 things throughout the day that I can be happy about in life.

2. I will tell people I love them — and SHOW them I love them by treating them well.

3. I will meditate for 20 minutes at least once a week. Every day for 5 minutes if possible.

4. I will do something this year that will help others (for example volunteering with a local charity).

5. I’m going to step out of my comfort zone this year and do something I would normally never do and interact with people I would normally not speak with.

6. I’m going to be more kind to other people.

7. I will call my parents / children / siblings at least once a week to say hello and to make sure they are doing okay.

8. I’m not going to focus on the past, or the future. I’m going to live for today and focus on what is happening around me at the moment.

9. I’m going to make new friends and nurture old friendships.

10. I promise to listen to other people more.

11. I’m going to pay more attention to my intuition and the psychic within me so that I can focus on bringing more positivity into my life.

12. I’m going to start eating better and spend more time on my physical health, so that I can enjoy being mentally fit as well.

13. I am going to forgive those who have hurt me in the past so that I can move on with my life in a positive way.

14. I will turn to my spirit guides more often to seek their advice when needed. I am going to tune into my guides and find out more about them and how they can help me through my life.

15. I’m going to enjoy my job, and if I don’t enjoy it, I’m going to change my job. I deserve to be happy in my work and to have respect and a role that I like.

16. I’m going to learn more about myself by spending more time alone.

17. I will focus on making my home a place where I can feel safe and secure. A sanctuary where I can enjoy my children, family, friends; and where I can also rest and rejuvenate after a long day at work.

18. I am beautiful, inside and out.

19. I’m going to abandon old habits, and take up new ones that help me to focus on me being happy.

20. I will learn from spiritual teachers around me.

There are many ways to bring positivity into your life, love life and it will love you back.

Wishing you a multitude of Blessings in the year ahead

This psychic blog is about the benefits of resolutions versus renewal

As we say farewell to one year passing, and usher in the New Year, you may be experiencing many different kinds of feelings. Hope, fear, excitement, regret, ambition — any number of emotions. Many people mark the emergence of a new calendar year, with new (and often renewed), intentions, some grounded in reality, some a fantastical ‘throw it out there to the universe.’

Most of us take a positive outlook on the year ahead, with the intention of gaining some degree of clarity and mastery over our personal journeys’ and in our chosen roles in the world. However, so many of us don’t stick to our New Year’s resolution, and for many of us this ends up becoming a source of disappointment further down the track.

What if you could get a real insight into what the coming year will may have in store for you? What if you get really can achieve your goals by visualising having reached your chosen destination, rather than just wishing for it? Take a look at our tips here to discover how to bring real change and renewal into your life by discovering the difference of resolutions versus renewal.

A Firm Vision of the Future
Around the beginning of each New Year, many people seek psychic readings or telephone clairvoyant consultations to clarify and crystallise their vision for the future. Psychic readings are much sought after at this time as people are casting off the memories of the old year and looking towards the clear, open future. A reading including tarot readings, clairvoyance, aura readings, or astrological readings can give you some initial outline and direction for what the New Year may hold for you. This can be incredibly useful as it may afford you the opportunity to be better prepared, to be hopeful, to be cautious and to be disciplined in order to achieve your goals.

Letting Go of The Past
In order to move forward into the future, it’s necessary to be free and unbounded from the past. Letting go of the past is an important step in our growth, future success and happiness. When the New Year comes around, we may have regrets and grief about the year that’s past that needs to worked through and let go for real healing and renewal to take place.

Talking about the past and working through issues arising from this can help to heal and reconcile the past. In some cases, using mediums to contact the spirits, celestial guardians or passed on loved ones can help to bring understanding, meaning and clarity to the past in order to heal from the past.

Resolutions in the Present
When it comes to New Year’s readings, the best psychics and mediums know how to bring your New Year’s resolutions for the future into the present for current action and renewal. The problem that many of us encounter in making resolutions is that we are always making resolutions in the future, without taking action in the present.

With a more spiritual and connected approach, it’s useful to talk about the vision you have for the future as if it is happening in the present. For example, rather than setting an intention for the future like “This year, I am going to try to lose those 10 kilos and improve my relationships”, a more powerful intention for the future would be to visualise being there already, thinking “I’m 10 kilos lighter and in great shape, I feel healthy and alive with energy. My relationships are harmonious and joyful, and my work and finances are healthy and prosperous”. This creates an intention that starts now, rather than at some point in the future, and as such creates greater success.

Focus Areas of Life
Taking stock of the year that’s past, and creating a vision for the coming year, helps you to focus on certain areas of our life and where there is room for improvement. Were you unhappy with the way your finances were managed this year? Do you want to find love in the New Year? Looking for better health and energy levels this year?

Focusing on these areas and pinpointing the ones that are most important to you helps you to create change and improvement in your life where you really want and need them.

Rather than just setting the same old resolutions, bring real change and renewal in the New Year by putting your energy into creating powerful intentions and healing the past where necessary, for a beautiful and bright future.

“When you have the right intention, the right opportunity will open the door.” ~ Debasish Mridha M.D

Wishing one and all blessings, love and light.

How to bring real change in the New Year

As we say farewell to one year passing, and usher in the New Year, you may be experiencing many different kinds of feelings. Hope, fear, excitement, regret, ambition – any number of emotions. Many people mark the emergence of a new calendar year, with new, (and often renewed), intentions, some grounded in reality, some a fantastical ‘throw it out there to the universe’, (I will win Lotto this year!). Most of us take a positive outlook on the year ahead, with the intention of gaining some degree of clarity and mastery over our personal journeys’ and in our chosen roles in the world.  However, so many of us don’t stick to our New Year’s resolution, and for many of us this ends up becoming a source of disappointment further down the track.

What if you could get a real insight into what the coming year will may have in store for you? What if you get really can achieve your goals by visualising having reached your chosen destination, rather than just wishing for it? Take a look at our tips here to discover how to bring real change and renewal into your life for 2020.

A Firm Vision of the Future

Around the beginning of each New Year, many people seek psychic readings or telephone clairvoyant consultations to clarify and crystallise their vision for the future. Psychic readings are much sought after at this time as people are casting off the memories of the old year and looking towards the clear, open future. A reading including tarot readings, clairvoyance, aura readings, or astrological readings can give you some initial outline and direction for what the New Year may hold for you. This can be incredibly useful as it may afford you the opportunity to be better prepared, to be hopeful, to be cautious and to be disciplined in order to achieve your goals.

Letting Go of The Past

In order to move forward into the future, it’s necessary to be free and unbounded from the past. Letting go of the past is an important step in our growth, future success and happiness. When the New Year comes around, we may have regrets and grief about the year that’s past that needs to worked through and let go for real healing and renewal to take place.

Talking about the past and working through issues arising from this can help to heal and reconcile the past. In some cases, using mediums to contact the spirits, celestial guardians or passed on loved ones can help to bring understanding, meaning and clarity to the past in order to heal from the past.

Resolutions in the Present

When it comes to New Year’s readings, the best psychics and mediums know how to bring your New Year’s resolutions for the future into the present for current action and renewal. The problem that many of us encounter in making resolutions is that we are always making resolutions in the future, without taking action in the present.

With a more spiritual and connected approach, it’s useful to talk about the vision you have for the future as if it is happening in the present. For example, rather than setting an intention for the future like “This year, I am going to try to lose those 10 kilos and improve my relationships”, a more powerful intention for the future would be to visualise being there already, thinking “I’m 10 kilos lighter and in great shape, I feel healthy and alive with energy. My relationships are harmonious and joyful, and my work and finances are healthy and prosperous”. This creates an intention that starts now, rather than at some point in the future, and as such creates greater success.

Focus Areas of Life

Taking stock of the year that’s past, and creating a vision for the coming year, helps you to focus on certain areas of our life and where there is room for improvement. Were you unhappy with the way your finances were managed this year? Do you want to find love in the New Year? Looking for better health and energy levels this year?

Focusing on these areas and pinpointing the ones that are most important to you helps you to create change and improvement in your life where you really want and need them.

Rather than just setting the same old resolutions, bring real change and renewal in the New Year by putting your energy into creating powerful intentions and healing the past where necessary, for a beautiful and bright future.

“When you have the right intention, the right opportunity will open the door.” ~ Debasish Mridha M.D

Wishing one and all blessings, love and light.

Cecelia x

This blog is about the 70 by 7 technique

You can use the 70 by 7 technique to fulfil your present day needs and to program the mind and achieve the abundance/success/frame mindset. It is simple a repeat affirmation process.

All things in life are either growing or stagnating and dying – this includes us – human beings. Just like say a mango tree that gives off fruits throughout its life, we too need to give off ‘fruit’ in order to feel happy and alive. Most problems in life come from not going for full aliveness. We need to take continual actions in our lives to ensure we grow.

Consider the things you want to improve and write them down. Once you have done this, you need to think about the actions you need to take to fulfil your desire. Every desire has a price. It takes time and energy to create it and live it out. It often requires determination and persistence.

For instance you may desire to have more confidence, lose weight, improve your relationship with a partner, improve your career or manifest financial abundance. Only one thing separates those who are successful and those who are not. It is the ability to take action to reach your goal. We are all actors on the stage of life. Actors take actions. Make sure the actions you take are well considered and aimed at the objectives you want to achieve.

Daily commitment to achieving a goal or change in your life is to commit to small steps and exercises at the beginning. Even a few minutes a day will bring you benefits and become a regular part of your life.

The Technique 70 x 7 is a tool to help you achieve the goal or desire you would like to experience. This is an old simple and powerful technique used to alter the subconscious mind producing very surprising outcomes. This technique is very ancient, so ancient in fact that it was featured in the Bible. It will help bring about the circumstances and actions to help you reach your desired outcome.

  • Every day for seven days, write out seventy times the statement that you wish to see fulfilled. In other words write down your desired goal. It should be a strong statement – weak, half-baked statements don’t work.
  • Keep the statement short and precise. No negatives and no (Such as I will be confident or I will not be shy.)
  • Write down underneath each statement whatever the response is that comes into your mind. Each day there should be 70 statements and 70 responses. A response can be thoughts, feelings, emotions or even a blank.
  • The seventy times must be completed in one sitting and the seven days must be completed consecutively. There must be no break from the writing of the statements and responses and there must also be no day left out until the seven days are completed. If there is a break for some reason, then the seven days must be commenced again.
  • You can handwrite or use a laptop/I. Pad.
  • Keep your statements to yourself so as not to disempower what you are doing.

Examples of 70 x 7 Statements:

To Feel Wonderful:    I now feel good about myself.            I give and received love freely.

To Lose Weight:        I am now slim, fit and healthy.           I am now fit and shapely.

Relationships:             I am now in the perfect relationship.  I freely express my sexual power.

Money career:            My work fulfils and enriches me.       I am now financially independent

Success:                      I am now extremely successful at everything I do.

You can use the 70 by 7 technique today fulfilling your present day needs and to program the mind and achieve the abundance/success/frame mindset. Try it; you have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

Many Blessings, Cecelia

One of the greatest and most important things we can learn about and experience in this life is ourselves. We can access deep insight into the way we feel and express ourselves can help to shed more light not only on our inner life, but on the world around us as well. Integrating the external and the internal is an important step on the path to self actualisation. But how do we go about opening ourselves up to insight and personal understanding? In this fast paced modern world that’s focused on exteriors, that question becomes harder and harder to answer. These 5 incredible methods listed below help you to contact deep within yourself to understand and nurture yourself in a personal way.

Assessment of Aura

Every single person has a unique and characteristic aura that reveals something about their hidden and deeper truth and meaning in life. The aura is a subtle field of lamination around the body that can be seen and detective by certain gifted psychics. Auras can possess certain colours and ‘feelings’ that allow a perceptive reader to understand more about that person.

Undergoing an aura reading and analysis can be a useful and interesting step, allowing you to have different insights and perspectives reflected onto you from an outside source. This can really give amazing insight into one’s true nature, and deep, hidden desires, conflicts and barriers.

Spiritual Guidance

Many people believe in the concept of guardian angels and spirits, and trust in the benevolent influence of these divine guardians. Others may wish to know and understand more about their own innate spiritual destiny, by contacting and touching upon their own inner spirit. One who can contact the spirits, hear their messages and speak to them, is able to communicate between this earthly realm and the divine, in regards to matters of importance.

Seeking spiritual guidance is a great way to access deep insight and understanding about oneself, through the helpful and beneficial influence of the divine.


Few spiritual practices are as long lived and historically successful as meditation. Sitting in a quiet place, either alone, or with the presence of another’s voice guiding you, provides the opportunity to get into with yourself on a very deep, spiritual level. Used in ancient India for thousands of years, meditation is indeed a powerful practice.

With the guidance of a teacher or someone to reflect your spiritual experiences to, meditation can become an excellent tool for personal insight and development.

Archetypes and Enneagram

It can often be useful to undertake personality and archetype test to help identify and pinpoint underlying patterns and structure in your everyday behaviour. The enneagram is a test designed to help identify personality types. By recognising yourself in one of these personality types, it can help you to better understand and appreciate the certain nuances and behaviours common to you.

The archetype model is another great and useful way to understand yourself. At first you might feel shocked or resentful about your personality type – this is a good sign it’s an accurate test! A skilled spiritualist can guide you through these tests for better self-discovery.

Talking It Through

Just as it is when trying to understand anything in life, talking it over with a skilled, insightful and wise person can help to provide clarity, knowledge and insight beyond the typical experience you might have just by yourself. Talking about personal difficulties, issues, triumphs and achievements with another person and reflecting upon them can open a great deal towards self understanding and empowerment. Although the listener might not do much for us in terms of necessarily providing insight or information, the act of simply talking with someone new about ourselves can open up a great deal of understanding simply within us.

Talking to a psychic can be a great way to promote self understanding, as they are skilled and available listeners and they can also shed their own insights and wisdom into the conversation.

When it comes to self-discovery, nothing beats making a deep and thorough self exploration through various means, in order to better understand what drives us, what makes us tick, our good and bad habits, and tendencies. Using the above 5 methods can be highly useful for personal insight and self understanding.

Wishing you many Blessings,


This blog is about awakening to your authentic self

Only a lucky few of us arrive in this world with a clear certainty or vision of what we are here to do this lifetime. To awaken the authentic self you must be dedicated to the service of truth, and truth only. It is true that the truth will set you free, and it is also true that first you must liberate truth in yourself.

In the very first year of primary school I became friends with a little girl whose name was Linda. The first time we were asked as part of class, what we might want to be when we grew up, she stood out as the only student in a class of twenty who knew exactly what she was going to do and be. And indeed all these years’ later she is an outstanding lawyer with a successful practice.

Contrary to my friends’ clarity of purpose, I had never given the question any real thought until the day of my fifth birthday. My mother happened to ask what it was I might want to do - now that I was becoming quite grownup. Stopped in my tracks by the very idea that I could be or do whatever I wanted in life, (after all it was my birthday and Mum had just said so), and as she was busy cutting up the birthday cake, I took time to consider the question, then looking up at her, declared with utter conviction and certainty, “I am going to be a fairy princess, with a magic wand and travel the world making people happy and granting their every wish.”

My mother, looking slightly befuddled and amused replied; ‘good luck with that darling, but best think of something more practical, after all have you seen any fairies looking for work around here lately?’ Her pragmatic and unromantic response to the “ Fairy Princess Job’ was quite shattering at the time, however it was just the first of many incredibly lofty, professional aspirations’, none grounded in the real world (... think Prima Ballerina, Circus Performer, Astronaut, Pilot and so on!).

I am pretty certain that it would be safe to say that I am just one of the many, who’ve never really had a hard and fast understanding of their direction and path in this life.

I still don’t know what I want to ‘be’ when I grow up! I have experienced an enormous amount of fun, laughter, painful growth, healing and learning in pursuit of my quest to realise my place in the world. Along the way I’ve met amazing people from all walks of life and circumstances, and established richly rewarding, enduring friendships. I’ve learned to be content with and celebrate the understanding that I was not meant to have one particular path, but rather several, and I remain so very grateful that each unexpected or unanticipated twist or turn has bought me closer to ‘authentic self’, - the result being that I am a great deal more joyous, compassionate and accepting of life; endlessly humbled by the courage and grace required by us to face and rejoice, and not be defeated by the circumstances of living the human experience in all its infinite nuances, demands and variations.

Recognising and awakening to the authentic self is said to be the path home for all of us. Each experience we have, that brings us closer to shattering the illusion that we are isolated or separate from Spirit is a step closer to the Divine. When philosopher’s and masters speak of their enlightenment, they speak of the light of self- knowledge and understanding, an energetic expansion so profound, that there remains no aspect of self, unacknowledged or hidden. It is an embracing of all aspects of one’s humanity with absolute consciousness and ownership. An acceptance of such entirety and self-understanding that in essence they free themselves from the illusion of the mind-body complex, and in their self-realization attain the state of being at one in mind, body and soul with the Universe.

All we have to do is to keep on improving our knowing, extending our compassion, expanding the inner light of self until we are as accepting and as forgiving of ourselves as we are of others.

For the majority of us, the skills’ of self-knowledge and compassion are slowly acquired via navigation of the ordinary demands of life and living. It is in the stumbles and falls we take, how we deal with the challenges and how we rise from those falls - that we best get to know ourselves. It is the enduring belief in the power of love and the healing it offers, no matter how dark the circumstances may be. Each hard won realisation of self is rewarded with a greater sense of connection to the whole, to the Divine and the work of Spirit.

"You do not belong to you. You belong to the universe. The significance of you may remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume you are fulfilling your significance. When you apply yourself to converting all you experience to the highest advantage to others."- R. Buckminster Fuller

Wishing you all a multitude of Blessings, Light and Love, Cathy

This blog is about the link between Spiritual Energy, Health and Serenity

While people call it a variety of things - qi (chi) in ancient Chinese medicine, Kundalini - in Indian yogic traditions or just simply vital energy, spiritual energy can be a great power in our lives if it is cultivated and nurtured in a fruitful way. Although on some level our physical energy is connected to food and sleep, we can all think of times when we may have been hungry or tired but still felt fully alive with the energy of life pulsing through our bodies. This is the power that spiritual energy can have over us. It's also important to acknowledge that blockages or stagnation in our spiritual energy can cause issues in our lives or for our health, for example, a blockage of the 5th chakra, or the throat chakra can significantly impact our ability to communicate out of fear and express ourselves in the world, as well as causing physical symptoms such as head, neck and shoulder pain or a sore, hoarse throat.

The key to keeping our bodies running smoothly and living a life true to ourselves is making sure that our spiritual energy is also balanced and flowing, and the chakras are clear. Take a look at these suggestions to gently bring an awareness to the level of spiritual energy you feel, and to increase the flow in your life.

Perform Your Daily Spiritual Exercise

Setting aside time each day to enjoy the nourishing and rejuvenating qualities of your favourite spiritual exercise, such as meditation, visualization, yoga or chanting, helps to connect you with your inner goals and gives your heart and mind space to grow and purify. Although it can be hard to regiment a time into each day to take time for ourselves, this action can pay dividends in terms of bringing much fruit and reward to our lives. This isn't just about a spiritual force that's outside of you, it's about your inner wellbeing, your goals, your loves and your needs, and such a break from the rush and craziness of the world can become your little spiritual oasis.

Do Something Kind For Another and Receive Kindness in Turn

Giving and receiving graciously, generously and often helps to build compassion and in the same process improve the flow of your spiritually energy. Such generosity is a connection with another being based on love and trust, no matter how simple it might be, and can prove energising and encouraging. Giving not only helps another, it also improves self love, as it helps you to see and appreciate yourself for your own kindness towards others. Giving doesn't just have to be financial, give your time to elders who would appreciate a kind helping hand or listening ear, and you don't have to go far to spread love - most of us have plenty to on that front just within our own homes showing kindness and understanding to our spouses or family.

Talk About Your Spiritual and Life Goals

We all need to talk from time to time with someone who understands us on a deeply spiritual level, who can understand and hear our innermost goals for our life and spirituality. Talking with someone experienced in spiritual energy work or a well-practised psychic can help you tune into areas of your life you need to focus more work on, and where you can admire the fruits of your efforts so far. If you are in some trouble in regards to your energy flow, an experienced professional can help you talk through the difficulties and release the blockages for better flow and synchronicity in your life. A particularly experienced energy worker or psychic can advise you on various practises or tools you can use to increase your spiritual enegry or unlock blockages, such as certain visualisations, chants, scents, colours or crystals that align with the chakras you are struggling with and can help to open energy flow there.

With a conscious and open minded look at the process of spiritual energy moving through your body, you can optimise this flow bringing happiness, health and good fortune to your everyday life.

Wishing you all a multitude of blessings, love and light.


This blog is about bringing balance to a stressed life

We all know that overworked, stressed out feeling. The fatigue you feel from running around all day, and the drained feeling you get from knowing that you don’t have time to spend on yourself. While necessity forces us to go through these times, it’s critical that we learn to recognise when it’s time to take a break and bring our stressed life back into balance. Here we look at three telltale signs your schedule is getting out of hand and the stress and pressure is piling up, and some suggestions on how to restore peace and balance back into a stressed life.

The Sign: You Feel Like Things Are Pointless

One of the clearest signs that you have a stressed life and are overworked is that you feel like the things you do a pointless and life is meaningless. This can quickly lead to an energy sapping state and even result in depression. A busy life that’s ruled more by routine than meaning can quickly lead to the feeling that you’re just ‘going through the motions’ and that nothing you do matters that much. But of course that’s far from the truth.

The Balance: Find Higher Purpose

Whether or not you feel it, you are connected to a higher purpose, but losing that vision can make you feel hopeless and aimless. Reconnecting with your higher purpose (or connecting to it for the first time) can be a transformative and exhilarating experience that boosts your energy, vitality and zeal for life. One way to approach this is to consult with an experienced clairvoyant or psychic. Not only does this process help you see more clearly how life is happening in the physical realm, but also how the metaphysical and spiritual realms may be leading or guiding your life in unseen ways. Having a strong spiritual connection helps you to find meaning in life, and enthusiasm for your contribution to the world.

The Sign: You Feel Cheated By Life

You do great work at your job, you’re always helping other people out and trying to be kind, and yet you feel like things are never working out for you, or people aren’t giving you the respect you would like. Nevertheless, you still keep trying your hardest to impress and make people admire you. As time goes on, you just keep working harder for their approval, and yet you seem to be noticed less. Needless to say, you feel cheated by life, and as though the work that you do is never appreciated.

The Balance: Reconsider Your Priorities

Life is about so much more than running around trying to ‘be good’ or impress people. If you want to bring the most happiness into this world, it’s important to learn how to prioritise yourself, and make time to connect to your own goals and inner life. Unfortunately, time for yourself isn’t going to just ‘happen’, and it certainly won’t if you’re already feeling stretched thin. Schedule time in your day to connect with yourself spiritually and emotionally, to ask yourself what you want out of life and how you will use the day to move towards that goal. Practice meditation, align your chakras, or consult a spiritual guide to help you let go of stress and focus on you.

The Sign: You Feel Unfulfilled

Without a doubt, a stressful life is an unfulfilling life. It might be that your high pressure job is not giving the rewarding feeling you were hoping for. Or that no matter how hard you work at home, you don’t feel appreciated for it. Although you didn’t mean for it to happen, perhaps your life has become repetitive and tedious, without a lot of connection to the things you used to enjoy. Feeling unfulfilled is one of the telltale signs of an overstressed life where you put a bigger priority on getting things done than looking after yourself.

The Balance: Connect to your Passion

Balancing out a feeling of not being fulfilled means connecting to your passion and bringing to life the part of you that is inspired, creative and alive. Perhaps you used to love art but don’t make the time to enjoy it or be creative these days. Try to find 10 minutes a day to reconnect to your passion and reignite your zest for life. Sometimes the sense of discontent runs deeper, and it may be necessary to consult the spirit world or a departed loved one for more clarity and direction. Finding what it is you love and makes your soul sing, making it an integral part of your life is the key to staying connected to your passion.

Stress may be a fact of life, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Watch out for these high stress indicators, and put in place the self-care steps to bring more clarity, balance and pure happiness into your life.

Wishing all and one a multitude of Blessings and Light


This blog is about 7 Ways that a Psychic Reading can enhance your life

You don’t actually have to be a believer to be affected by the power of a psychic reading. But if you feel that something is stuck, or missing, in your life, then you might be the perfect candidate to benefit from one. All you need is an open mind and a desire to change your life. Your psychic can provide the rest for you.

Here are seven life-altering changes that a psychic reading can bring to you right now.


This one is usually the biggest reason people seek psychic guidance. Are you feeling alone and just want to be in love? Are you in a relationship that is stuck, or one that is no good for you at all? Do you just want to find the one? There could be things in your life that are holding you back from finding love, such as connections to past lovers or regrets from recent history. Your parents’ relationship could even affect how you accept love now. The answers to all of your questions and some you didn’t even know to ask could come from a reading from a gifted psychic.


If money flows back out of your life as quickly as it comes in (or doesn’t come in in the first place), then you might need a reading to assist. There could be blockages in your energy at home, work or in your life that you need guidance to remove. There could be fears from the past or concerns about the future that are stopping you from achieving the monetary peace and freedom you deserve.


Is your career at a standstill? Did you love your job once upon a time, but are now just clockwatching or counting the days until payday? For most people it is not natural to stay in the one line of work their whole lives; they grow and develop and change, and so will their career expectations. If you know you don’t want to keep trudging down the same old work path, but just don’t know how to get off it, a psychic reading can help here too.


You may be sure that there is an artist somewhere inside you, but life has sucked all of your inspiration dry. Are you a designer, a writer, a visual or digital artist, or do you need creativity to either succeed in your work or truly enjoy your life? If you have hit a block, a reading can help you find that blockage and point ways around it. Your artistic spirit can be reawakened and you can feel reenergised and reborn.


You may have felt like you’ve been somehow sick your whole life. You face mental and emotional struggles on a daily basis. A psychic reading will find the parts of your aura that need detoxing, both spiritually and figuratively, and can give you hints to get back on track. You don’t have to accept this sick feeling when there may be a very simple way out.


Do you constantly feel like you are stuck in a rut? Are pretty much all aspects of your life going nowhere, from work to relationships, to the fact that you physically never go anywhere new? A reading can help you pinpoint the areas that you need to shake up, and give you some insight into how to shake them.


Are you trapped in a toxic relationship with a spouse or other family member? Are you trapped in a dead- end job by the need to make ends meet? Do you believe that you are made for something better than this, and just want to live that life? Then a reading can help you find the way out, giving the strength to let go off toxic history, or fears of failure, and can help you make that first leap.

Wishing you many Blessings,


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