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A discerning Spiritual Listener and Energy worker, one of her natural gifts, is that of acting as a gateway of communication between the realms of the spirit and the physical. Of Romany Gypsy descent and steeped in the ancient art of deep knowing, the practise of divination and spiritual wisdom are woven into the genetic fabric of Sophia’s heritage. Articulate and immensely ‘Talented’ Psychic Sophia is an accomplished practitioner of a myriad of metaphysical disciplines.

A masterful practitioner of the Tarot and a skilled interpreter of the Pendulum and Oracle Cards a reading with Sophia is richly textured, providing accurate spiritual insight and clarity into the those circumstances that you are seeking to understand.

Working in close alignment with her spirit guides Sophia channels information pertinent to your individual journey with compassion, grace and wisdom. Sophia’s life experience and professional skills support the opportunity to re-evaluate with clarity and guidance, any issues that may appear insurmountable, challenging or confusing.

Specializing in the areas of love, relationships, career and spiritual healing Sophia’s attributes include psychic vision, hearing and feeling. Find the answers you are looking for by calling a live Psychic,  Sophia is waiting for your call.

To speak with Psychic Sophia, call 1300 784 584 or outside Australia +61 3 8888 9277  and enter 00477 when prompted for agent selection.

Working with a profound connection to Spirit and the Angelic Realm, Isabella offers over 25 years of experience and mastery across a rich variety of Metaphysical Talents. Her accurate and Source inspired guidance provides you with a deeper understanding of your Soul's journey, gifts and challenges this lifetime.

Channelling wisdom from the highest of Spiritual sources, personal Spirit Guides and the Angelic Realm, a reading with Isabella offers accuracy, illumination and divine guidance.

A high functioning Empath, Medium and Psychic, Isabella connects with your personal spiritual field, conveying messages from loved ones who’ve passed and communicating the offered wisdom of your individual Angelic and Spirit Guides, Isabella’s ability to act as conduit between the spiritual and physical world provides a unique opportunity to experience healing, resolution and reassurance With the intention of offering healing on all energetic levels, Isabella’s readings are nuanced, relevant and comforting.

Gentle, wise and extraordinarily compassionate, Isabella’s combined abilities allow her to view events from your past, present and probable future. Her clarity and spiritual insight often enables her to tell you exactly what is happening in and around your life or what may be going to happen. Working with the Archangels and the Angelic Realm a consultation with Isabella is transformative, offering a sense of renewed purpose, spirit and clarity. Find out how your life can really change for the better by connecting with a live psychic, Isabella is waiting for your call.

To speak with Psychic Isabella, call 1300 784 584 or outside Australia +61 3 8888 9277  and enter 00463 when prompted for agent selection.

Cecelia is an authentic clairvoyant, medium and energy healer. A trusted and authentic reader, she have been providing psychic guidance and healing for over 38 years. With gifted and skilled direction Cecelia guides you through life's most challenging times, she is ready to take your call.

Cecelia is a well respected and accomplished Healer and Medium. She was born with the psychic gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. As one of the very first Australian Phone Psychics, she has been providing enlightened guidance and healing for over 38 years to people all over the world.

Cecelia reads with extraordinary insight and compassion, using her psychic energy to focus with crystal clarity on your soul’s signature journey this lifetime. She provides inspired guidance on love and relationship issues, as well as money and business. Highly skilled in Spiritual communication, she provides solace and illuminating advice to those who are feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenging issues. With gifted and skilled direction Psychic Cecelia guides you in accessing your potential and connecting with what it is you really want your life to look like.

An in-depth consultation with Cecelia will provide you with a new understanding of your situation and life’s purpose. You will continue to experience Cecelia’s messages of love and healing energy long after the reading is finished.

"Cecelia opened my mind and spirit to the energies moving in my life. Her compassion enabled me with more grace and acceptance than I thought humanly possible. She identified my fears and who I was, and how I was dealing with situations and loved ones. An absolutely accurate reading of my character and the immediate challenges I was facing. I cannot speak highly enough of Cecelia's guidance and psychic ability."

Find out how your life can really change for the better by connecting with a live psychic, Cecelia is waiting for your call.

To speak with Psychic Cecelia, call 1300 784 584 or outside Australia +61 3 8888 9277  and enter 00468 when prompted for agent selection.
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