Beginners to tarot reading, however, might be a bit confused about what it means when a tarot card presents in its reverse position or turns up upside down. Is this a bad thing? Should you just pretend it didn’t happen and draw again? This post will discuss the ins and outs of reading with reversed Tarot cards so that you can make a decision that’s right for you.
People born under the same sign as each other can share similar personality traits as well as similar ways of responding to challenges and communicating during relationships. Check out your star sign and see if this sounds like you!
This psychic blog is about soulmates Did you ever look at your husband or wife and just feel that you were always meant to be together? That something in the universe put you together, or perhaps that you knew each other before? Often when we first meet our loved one we get this incredible sense […]
There are three kinds of relationships. There is the kind where the couple are happy, and the kind where the couple is miserable. And then there’s the third kind, where the couple are just sort of ‘meh’. If you think you might be in the third category, then a relationship reading could be just the […]
This psychic blog is about the distinction between a Psychic and Psychic Medium If you’re not seasoned in the psychic world, you might find yourself a little overwhelmed or confused about who you should talk to when you want to find out things about your past, present and future; or things about those you love. […]
This blog is an introduction to Tarot Card Reading for beginners The Tarot is a pack of 78 cards that is used as a Tool of Divination. Essentially the Tarot cards are used to create clear communication between the Reader, the higher self and Spirit. This connection is established using any number of different spreads […]
This blog is about how to enhance your relationship Love is not a static thing, so having the willingness to work on your relationship is one of the biggest factors in a successful relationship. The fact that you’re here already indicates that you’re willing to work on it, so keep on reading to learn about […]
This blog is about Psychic Readings Although scientists associate these psychic readings with events withheld in the subconscious of the psychic, many people believe that the readings are messages from the spirit realm. Psychic readings involve foretelling the future. These readings can be given to an individual or a group as a whole. Although scientists […]
This blog is about the Akashic Book of Records ‘Why am I here and for what purpose? Put simply, I believe this fundamental question has always been and continues to be, the driving force behind our need to explore, know, question and discover, and the very results of our endeavor to answer this question, are […]
This blog is about the beginners guide to tarot reading Tarot reading does sound like an awfully fun skill to have – you would be very popular at parties! Tarot seems to be something that everybody is fascinated by, but no one really understands. So, we thought we would go through some of the basics but bear […]
This blog is about your past life influences your present life Have you ever wondered why the same things, whether good or bad, keep on happening to you throughout your life without explanation? Have you ever wondered why when you meet people you either have a connection or you don’t, or have you ever been in […]
This blog is about how to improve your relationship with a Love Reading We’ve all been there. Either your relationship is fine, stagnating, on the rocks, or destroyed. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch, or maybe it’s going great, and you want to improve your relationship. Either way, there are many ways that one […]
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