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Resolutions versus renewal How to bring real change in the New Year

This psychic blog is about the benefits of resolutions versus renewal

As we say farewell to one year passing, and usher in the New Year, you may be experiencing many different kinds of feelings. Hope, fear, excitement, regret, ambition — any number of emotions. Many people mark the emergence of a new calendar year, with new (and often renewed), intentions, some grounded in reality, some a fantastical ‘throw it out there to the universe.’

Most of us take a positive outlook on the year ahead, with the intention of gaining some degree of clarity and mastery over our personal journeys’ and in our chosen roles in the world. However, so many of us don’t stick to our New Year’s resolution, and for many of us this ends up becoming a source of disappointment further down the track.

What if you could get a real insight into what the coming year will may have in store for you? What if you get really can achieve your goals by visualising having reached your chosen destination, rather than just wishing for it? Take a look at our tips here to discover how to bring real change and renewal into your life by discovering the difference of resolutions versus renewal.

A Firm Vision of the Future
Around the beginning of each New Year, many people seek psychic readings or telephone clairvoyant consultations to clarify and crystallise their vision for the future. Psychic readings are much sought after at this time as people are casting off the memories of the old year and looking towards the clear, open future. A reading including tarot readings, clairvoyance, aura readings, or astrological readings can give you some initial outline and direction for what the New Year may hold for you. This can be incredibly useful as it may afford you the opportunity to be better prepared, to be hopeful, to be cautious and to be disciplined in order to achieve your goals.

Letting Go of The Past
In order to move forward into the future, it’s necessary to be free and unbounded from the past. Letting go of the past is an important step in our growth, future success and happiness. When the New Year comes around, we may have regrets and grief about the year that’s past that needs to worked through and let go for real healing and renewal to take place.

Talking about the past and working through issues arising from this can help to heal and reconcile the past. In some cases, using mediums to contact the spirits, celestial guardians or passed on loved ones can help to bring understanding, meaning and clarity to the past in order to heal from the past.

Resolutions in the Present
When it comes to New Year’s readings, the best psychics and mediums know how to bring your New Year’s resolutions for the future into the present for current action and renewal. The problem that many of us encounter in making resolutions is that we are always making resolutions in the future, without taking action in the present.

With a more spiritual and connected approach, it’s useful to talk about the vision you have for the future as if it is happening in the present. For example, rather than setting an intention for the future like “This year, I am going to try to lose those 10 kilos and improve my relationships”, a more powerful intention for the future would be to visualise being there already, thinking “I’m 10 kilos lighter and in great shape, I feel healthy and alive with energy. My relationships are harmonious and joyful, and my work and finances are healthy and prosperous”. This creates an intention that starts now, rather than at some point in the future, and as such creates greater success.

Focus Areas of Life
Taking stock of the year that’s past, and creating a vision for the coming year, helps you to focus on certain areas of our life and where there is room for improvement. Were you unhappy with the way your finances were managed this year? Do you want to find love in the New Year? Looking for better health and energy levels this year?

Focusing on these areas and pinpointing the ones that are most important to you helps you to create change and improvement in your life where you really want and need them.

Rather than just setting the same old resolutions, bring real change and renewal in the New Year by putting your energy into creating powerful intentions and healing the past where necessary, for a beautiful and bright future.

“When you have the right intention, the right opportunity will open the door.” ~ Debasish Mridha M.D

Wishing one and all blessings, love and light.

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