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Psychic and Metaphysical blogs

17 December 2021
Full Moon in Cancer: Extrasensory Perception & Heightened Emotional Intelligence ✧ FULL MOON in CANCER 17th January 2022 ✧   If you’ve been following my blog, you will know that last month, December 2021, gave us a Full Moon in Cancer. Everything written here applies to this January’s Full Moon. Let’s expand on this. Two […]
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17 December 2021
New Moon in Capricorn: A Fresh Start ✧ NEW MOON in CAPRICORN 2nd January 2022 ✧   The first New Moon of 2022 is happening in the ambitious and grounded Capricorn, the only star sign ruled by Saturn. Saturn is known as Father Time, the Lord of Karma, and the tough-love teacher, so you can […]
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17 December 2021
January 2022 Horoscopes   Aries The year begins with a New Moon in Capricorn on the 2nd, a 6 Universal Year (numerology). This brings the energy of care, nurturance, community and a feminine energy. You will be asked to slow down this month and get really clear on your long term plan. This is a […]
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29 November 2021
Full Moon in Cancer: Emotional Stability & Harmony in Relationships ✧ FULL MOON in CANCER / GEMINI 19th December 2021 ✧   This month’s Full Moon falls in empathic and soft-hearted Cancer, quite a contrast to the fiery Sagittarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse earlier. Cancer may be gentle, passive, and self-sacrificing, but they have […]
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29 November 2021
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Creativity, Self-Expression, and Brilliance ✧ NEW MOON (+ SOLAR ECLIPSE) in SAGITTARIUS 4th December 2021 ✧   Welcome to a magical month and new year to come! This New Moon is special as it’s happening with a Solar Eclipse. The Sun symbolizes our conscious mind, willpower, and sense of […]
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29 November 2021
December Horoscopes   Aries Time for an adventure…? Restless and travel loving Sagittarius energy amplifies your need for passion and adventure, Aries. You’re feeling spontaneous and full of life, so if you can’t physically travel right now you would benefit from channeling your energy into passion projects & new or existing ventures. Be creative, innovative […]
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26 October 2021
New Moon in Scorpio: Emotional Connection & Soul Vibes! ✧ NEW MOON in SCORPIO 4th November 2021 ✧   November’s New Moon is occurring in intuitive and intense Scorpio, the sign of mystery and sex appeal. Scorpio is ruled by the smallest planet in our solar system, the one who is furthest away too; which […]
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26 October 2021
Full Moon (LUNAR ECLIPSE) in Taurus: Amazing Realizations and Long-Lasting Joy ✧ FULL MOON in TAURUS + Lunar Eclipse! 19th November 2021 ✧   Finishing off 2021 is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the earthy grounded sign of Taurus. This happens just before the final month of the year, a Sagittarius month that asks […]
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26 October 2021
Aries   Aries, you will need to be very mindful this month. When the sun is in Scorpio your emotions will be intense, very intense! You share the same ruler (Mars is Scorpio’s ancient ruler) and this means there is a double dose of fiery warrior energy. You pick up on this more than other […]
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25 September 2021
Full Moon in Aries: Action, Ambition & Empathic Relating ✧ FULL MOON in ARIES October 20th 2021: 10:57am EST ✧ The October Full Moon is unique in that it is occurring on an axis, where the Sun in Libra creates an opposition with the moon in Aries. This is known as the Libra-Aries, or Aries-Libra, […]
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25 September 2021
New Moon in Libra: Synchronicity & Social Charm ✧ NEW MOON in LIBRA October 6th 2021: 7:05am EST ✧ October is both Libra season with the Sun in this balanced and art loving sign, and with a New Moon in Libra. Libra is the sign of justice and social grace, fairness and equality, and peace […]
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25 September 2021
October Horoscopes   Aries Balance, harmony and teamwork… these are the three main words for you to live by, Aries. The Libra sun pushes you towards cooperative and unifying paths and projects- are you ready to lose the need to always be number 1?! IT’s ok to strive for self-mastery, to aim to be the […]
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