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Scorpio Full Moon

Scorpio Full Moon - Cecelia Pty Ltd

Full Moon in Scorpio:

A New Destination, Positive Self-Talk

FULL MOON in Scorpio

26th April 2021: 11:31 pm EST

This April’s Full Moon occurs in Scorpio, the sign ruled by alchemical and transformative Pluto. Scorpio is intense, spiritual, and intuitive, but also determined, resourceful and ambitious. There is a powerful mix of practical hard-working energy and soulful subtle energy in the air… As it’s a Full Moon, there is a sense of completion and “coming full circle.” It’s important to tune in and connect to your inner Source at this time, as there is much personal power and inspiration to be found.

Scorpio Key Traits: -

● Determined, resourceful and hard-working.

● Ambitious and persevering.

● Intuitive, instinctive, and spiritually open.

● Soulful, intense, intimacy loving and deep!

● Imaginative, artistic, and musical.

● Loyal and faithful.

Meditate and Reflect.

You might be able to get away with not ‘doing the work’ on other full moons, but a Scorpio full moon is a real opportunity for spiritual alignment and soul healing. Now is the perfect time to sit in silence, prayer, and meditation, to tune in and reflect, introspect and contemplate your next move. Or the meaning of life. Scorpio is ruled by Neptune, a watery and magnetic planet also symbolic of intensity and transformation. Scorpio is one of the most intuitive signs, and this means there is considerable energy available for you.

Divine inspiration, amazing imagination, spiritual realizations, and self-empowerment can come to you through silence and reflection. You are better able to listen to your own inner guiding

light and gut feelings through meditation. Shadow work integration is also strong this month, 3 days before and after the Full Moon specifically. Sit in a sacred space with essential oils, bird feathers, crystals and any other sentimental, spiritual, or divinatory tool you feel a resonance with. This is an excellent time for spiritual healing and getting in tune with your soul through sage cleansing, ceremonial work, and dream journaling.

If you have a dream diary or journal, detach from practical duties and responsibilities, and go within. Reflect on your past, present and future. Open your third eye, your higher mind and higher self, and see how much self-awareness and personal power increases as a result. Dreams are a gateway to wisdom and true knowing… It is so important that you do take time to withdraw from the chaos and chatter of the external world and listen to your own inner voice. Life is yin and yang- silence and sound, passivity and action, feminine and masculine energy… Find balance inside to see it manifested in your outer world.

Connect to Divine Healing energies...

Go outside and be one with nature. Mediate by a tree, hug a tree, lie on the earth and grass, and play outside in the sunshine. Dance until you feel your inner wild wo/man liberated and out to play, and drum, cycle, swim, walk barefoot in nature, and drink the rain. Scorpio full moon is an amazing time to reconnect to your playful and sensual inner child. Even if you consider yourself pretty stoic or serious-minded, there is so much inspiration and productivity to be found in the simple pleasures of life!

Mother Nature is abundant too, so finding time to slow down and reconnect to Mother Earth is essentially reconnecting with yourself. And this opens doorways to self-development, financial prosperity, and talent and skill development. Scorpio is actually considered a very balanced sign. This is because this sign has a fiery and masculine ancient ruler, Mars, and a watery and feminine modern one: Pluto. Scorpio is competitive, hard-working, and determined to achieve goals and success. Scorpio is also imaginative, incredibly intuitive, artistically gifted, and empathic.

Quite simply, connecting to the subtle and ethereal energy of the natural world allows you to develop the perseverance and inner strength necessary for manifestation. It also helps to expand the vibration of appreciation and gratitude which further amplify joy and prosperity in your life.

Take Risks, Have Courage, and Be Open to the Unknown

This new cycle is all about developing inner strength and courage to manifest your best life. Take risks and do not be afraid of the unknown, or the darkness. Life involves shine and shadow, a lightness, and a darkness. How can you make peace with the world’s darkness if you have not accepted your own? You cannot.

Change only comes through self-acceptance, and a desire to be bold and daring. Your true path and purpose are determined by how willing and able you are to integrate the light and dark parts

of your soul. Like a seed that has been planted in soil, or a caterpillar who is still in its cocoon; you must first struggle through the darkness to reach the light. We are a part of nature just like all of Creation’s smaller creatures. Nature can actually teach humility while showing us there is nothing to fear: the unknown is your friend! It is the birthing ground for new potential.

Be mindful of loneliness and despair.

A Scorpio moon can bring to light hidden insecurities and depressive tendencies. There is a certain sorrow, isolation, pain, and melancholy associated with Scorpio- this is a water sign after all. Intensity and depth of feeling and emotion are heightened, therefore themes include ‘the sorrow of loss,’ and ‘the pain of loneliness.’ Desires for human connection and intimacy can lead to despair and suffering if we feel we are not getting our needs met, or if we’re stuck on the past, in a past relationship or version of ourselves, or something similar.

You can learn how to channel such spirit and passion into self-mastery, spiritual and dream work, and talent acquisition. Such depth of feeling and emotional intelligence can be alchemized into beautiful pieces of art, music, poetry, or business ideas. Stay positive. Keep your mind and heart set on the future. And, let go of fear, worry and anxiety to raise your vibration to love, trust in the universe and yourself, and passionate illumination.


Many Blessings, Cecelia

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