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December Horoscopes

December Horoscopes - Cecelia Pty Ltd


This month is looking sparkly and wholly positive for you in the light of the energies of the Gemini Full Moon, and Lunar Eclipse, on November 30th. Combined with the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 14th, which includes another eclipse- a solar one; this is looking to be a very powerful month! Inspiration is surrounding you and you will find deep emotional well-being from any plans you make for your future. Vision boards, creative self-expression, music and art are all abound, and if you have children in the family you will receive much joy from play. In fact, Gemini and Sagittarius are very compatible with your sign Aries. This means the Full and New Moon energies will bring a sense of completion and new beginnings in your personal & professional life.


You will be feeling warm and positive this month, Taurus. Home is one of your favorite things, and fortunately the universe has blessed you with a stable & secure home-life throughout December. Nostalgia and sentimentality, looking through old pictures and heart-warming poems or letters, will bring a great sense of emotional satisfaction. You also feel inspired by creative prospects. This energy is expanded through the New Moon (and Solar Eclipse- double power!) in Sagittarius on the 14th. Sagittarius is an adventurous, fun-loving and high-spirited sign, so ideas of travel & future opportunities for community and connection will keep you optimistic and occupied. Your faith, hope and vision for both yourself and humanity will be tested. But, you can tune into the positive energies available through meditation, soul-searching, introspection, and other artistic and self-reflective pursuits.


This month is looking excellent for your career prospects Gemini. You are working with the energies of the November 30th New Moon, which occurred in your own sign. Because this was also a Lunar Eclipse you have an amplified surge of personal power and inspiration. It’s the perfect time to expand your online side hustle or work-from-home income. You will also be fascinated by all things spiritual, metaphysical, and healing this month, making it an ideal time to begin or deepen a spiritual healing or self-development practice. There won’t be much in terms of commitment, practical duties are low & minimal throughout December, but you will find joy in your home-life. Home & family in addition to inner artistry and creative self-expression take centre stage. If you have children, you will find blissful yet highly charged activities to keep the spirits up. Overall this is a very empowering month.

Be mindful of the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on Dec 14th- fresh starts are due.


December can bring up some emotional confusion and inner conflict if you’re not careful. This is because of all the fire and air energy that is not completely harmonious with your nature. You will find solace in your family and home-life, however, specifically the activities you engage in by yourself, such as professional pursuits or self-reflection; imaginative & artistic activities. Emotional and spiritual satisfaction comes from inner worlds this month. Your dreams are vivid and profound too, and you may discover key insights into your future through consciously working with your dreams. You are one of the most instinctual and subconsciously connected signs of the Zodiac- make the most of this peaceful and reflective month. If you want to expand your horizons begin making a plan of action on the 14th, the time of the Sagittarius New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Visionary energies are strong!


You will be shining, glowing, and commanding centre stage in your home Leo, but there is also much restlessness and drama! You need to be mindful of your tendency to boss, control and dominate, as you become bored and slightly tyrannical when there isn’t much going on in the world. Your emotional satisfaction and happiness comes from the bonds and family members closest to you this month, however. If you want to find peace and harmony, seek as much creativity and innovation as you can. Cook, paint, draw, journal, take long walks in nature, read, soul-search, dream, write poetry, and express yourself through music. Dance and music can be your saving grace. On the 14th there is a beautifully compatible New Moon Solar Eclipse in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, which helps you to tap into your visionary and inspirational qualities for a bright future. Create a vision board or plan of action.


Home and domestic issues will take precedence this month. Whilst everyone else seems to be enjoying a free and elongated holiday, you are the one keeping it all together! If you want to feel emotionally satisfied tap into your practical, dutiful and modest qualities throughout December. You are naturally helpful and enjoy being a gem to friends & family, but do remember to rest and allow yourself some time to chill and reflect. You might find yourself learning a new skill too- this is an excellent time to take an online course, expand your intellectual or professional horizons, and fine-tune personal talents. Craftsmanship, creative cooking, building things and creativity can spice up your daily routine if you have time. You will most likely be spending a lot of time at home, therefore introspective and artistic activities are a sure way to keep you sane. Be careful of your nervous system and try not to boss others around. A laid-back and harmonious attitude wins.


Beautiful creativity, artistic pursuits, inspiration and professional expansion are in store for you. This is a fabulous month! The Gemini Full Moon from November 30th will leave you feeling refreshed and grounded while the Sagittarius New Moon provides energy and vitality for

success. High spirits and a dedicated focus are available; you possess vision, ambition, intellectual wisdom and unique talents to help your dreams materialize. “Future envisioning” is a key theme for you to end the year, and any feelings of discomfort or confusion will be eradicated by the Solstice on the 21st. Love and partnerships will also be playing on your mind, if you are already in a committed relationship or have a lover by your side this month will provide the intimacy & sexual connection you need to help in other areas of your life.


It is an intense but smooth and sexy December Scorpio. The chemistry you have been feeling for a significant other, love interest, or even life itself will inspire and motivate you to new heights. You will be feeling frisky, flirty and charming... ambitious, determined and focused... and intelligent, caring and wise. All of your key Scorpio traits are highlighted this month. The Full Moon from the previous month on the 30th helped to expand your communicative powers; perhaps a project or professional path came full circle, and you stepped into a position of self-leadership & authority? Or you may have seen significant advancements in your career that have left your spirits high. With a New Moon in adventurous and optimistic Sagittarius on the 14th, which also happens to be a Solar Eclipse, your visionary & intuitive powers are off the chain. Now is the perfect time to go after your dreams and take the final steps towards a prosperous new year.


December seems to be made for you Sag. The Full Moon in your opposite sign Gemini from November 30th taught you the true meaning of duality and communication. You may have had to deal with some minor nuisances or confusions in communication, with your partner or colleagues, boss or parents, but the lessons you learned were key to your growth. As a result of miscommunication you integrated valuable insights so you won’t repeat the same mistake again or over- your light is shining! Now you have a New Moon, representing new beginnings & fresh starts, and Solar Eclipse in your own sign on the 14th. This signifies excellent prospects in work, services, romance, and health. You should strengthen or recommit to a well-being routine this month, such as a spiritual practice, herbal supplements, or going plant-based. Travel is on your mind and you would benefit from making a concrete plan of action for the new year.


You will be feeling more dreamy and astrally activated than normal. This is because your work has simmered down, or you’ve chosen to allow yourself rest and relaxation to recharge for the new year. This allows you to connect to the gentle and more feminine aspects of your personality; you love to express yourself artistically and creatively and you may feel inspired to expand your work-from-home, online ‘side hustle’- but you’re not seeing it as a chore, it is bringing you much fulfillment. Spiritually, your intuitive and instinctive powers have been given a boost and your mindset is generally positive. Utilize the energies of the Sagittarius New Moon on the 14th for an extra does of optimistic inspiration. Visionary qualities can be connected to now, and amplified, whilst your health is looking strong. Change can come about from small

improvements in daily habits, such as eating more of a wholefoods or plant-based diet, doing a detox or fast, and staying committed to a spiritual or meditation practice.


Your visionary, humanitarian-minded, artistic and intellectual qualities are soaring to new heights this December. You have accepted the things you can’t change and are now focusing on what you can do to expand your prospects. Close family bonds and friendships are looking up, you will be feeling secure and safe in your physical surroundings and home-life provides an opportunity to find innovative ways to earn money online. Freelancing, digital nomading (for when travel opens up!), online writing, illustration and creative work are all ideal routes to seek out. Educational pursuits including higher learning will inspire you to expand your skill set, so taking a course or mastering a trade should be considered. Your social life will be surprisingly good despite only having a small circle of friends, or communicating and connecting lots online. Luckily your sign rules technology and the internet, so this shouldn’t be a problem for you.


This is a dreamy and reflective month for you, Pisces. You will be pouring your energies into personal passion projects and your profession. Career advancements are likely and your emotional satisfaction comes from your ability to shine and express yourself in your work and service to the world at large. Poetry, writing, art, music, passion projects, romance, and dreamwork are key areas in December while the New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 14th in fire sign Sagittarius provides the sense of wanderlust and optimism, spontaneity and energy you desire. But you’ll also feel restlessness- travel and faraway lands will be on your mind. Your intuition and connection to subtle energy is heightened, and your libido will come back in surprising ways. Seek to make sufficient changes by the 13th, as you still have the empowering ‘completion’ energies of Gemini’s, the sign of duality and communication, Full Moon from the 30th (November).

General Astrology for December:

l. The energies from November’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 30th are strong! This emphasizes all aspects of communication, duality, imagination and intellect. Subtle changes in your communication style can be made, which lead to greater self-empowerment and intuition.

2. December’s New Moon on the 14th is also a total Solar Eclipse. This is happening in fire sign Sagittarius, highlighting the qualities of wanderlust, travel and adventure, higher learning, philosophy, optimism and creative inspiration. All signs will be feeling this expansive & spontaneous energy in some way. As it’s a New Moon, fresh perspectives

are available in addition to new beginnings. Significant steps can be made and plans initiated.

3. Winter Solstice occurs on the 21st, marking a sense of completion and spiritual illumination. Self-alignment is attainable. Also, many believe and advocate that December 21st 2020 is a very special date linking to the Solstice of 2012; aka the ‘Grand Cycle Shift.’ This is the perfect time to finalize key parts of your life and self-identity so that you can step into a brighter future in harmony with your best self.

4. Jupiter-Saturn conjunction: 21st. Wow! This is the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since 1623, the year 14 years after Galileo’s first telescope. This is known as a “marker of time” and signifies a shift in consciousness and frequency. Evolution is possible on so many levels...

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