February is a wonderful month for you fiery one! Aquarius season lasts until the 19th, and this makes you very witty, intelligent, and cerebral. You are happy when the Sun is in Aquarius because you can shine intellectually and imaginatively. You will be focused on personal and professional projects and coupled Aries will also have many romantic and exciting moments to look forward to. If you are single, the 11th onwards is a great time to start a new relationship or put steps in motion. There is a New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th which symbolizes new beginnings and fresh starts. Health is looking good so long as you stay positive. You need to be mindful of stress, anxiety and pessimistic thinking this month. If you can keep your optimistic spirit many new opportunities are in store.
February is an interesting month for you, Taurus. On the one hand you are feeling warm and romantic, open to new connections and love; yet, on the other you are also dealing with a few minor emotional problems. Aquarius season (until the 19th) can bring up some insecurities. But when the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th you are feeling very much in your element. Pisces is a sweet, sensual, creative, and compassionate sign and one whose energies complement yours. You are free to be yourself all month, however, in both your light (shine) and your dark (shadow)! Abundance can be yours when you play to your strengths and tap into the positive qualities associated with the season. The New Moon on the 11th is the perfect time to make significant changes and start a new romantic bond.
You are thriving and shining. Aquarius season makes you bright, happy, joyous, and full of energy. Until the 19th, you are feeling more in tune than ever- your mind is active and switched on; your imaginative and intuitive gifts are soaring, and you can solve problems with ease. It is the perfect month to get your finances in check and to
begin a new relationship if this is what you are after. Uncommitted Geminis can take their relationship to the next level! From the 19th, when the Sun enters sweet and dreamy Pisces, you will be feeling more imaginative and sensual than usual. However, you will also feel out of sorts slightly, like you are being pulled in two different directions. Pisces is a dual sign like you who is also deeply emotional. You are not emotional, you are mental. Be mindful of the power of your subconscious and what your dreams or impressions are telling you.
You will be feeling very nostalgic and homely this month, Cancer. Aquarius Season opens you to your intellectual and mental gifts, which enhances your imagination and intuition. You are a water sign but Aquarius is the “Water-Bearer,” a deeply altruistic and imaginative sign. There is also a New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th- the perfect time for making a fresh start or significant change in any area of your life. When the Sun enters dreamy and mystical Pisces on the 19th you will be shining. You are so in your element you may just feel like waking life is a dream and dream world is reality. All your qualities are heightened, and there is potential for some amazing romance, soulmate bonds, and kindred spirit connections! Overall, this is an excellent month. Just be careful of falling into mild depression or mood swings. Creativity is your saving grace.
Your mind will be on money, home-life and your personal relationships, Leo. Many areas of your life are being lit up and the New Moon in harmonious Aquarius will leave you feeling like anything is possible. Lots of positive change is on the horizon… It is important you do not get stuck in a rut this month. Try to keep your energy up and spirits high- cook, bake, journal, write, read, play music, dance, and sing. Go outside as much as possible and entertain your inner muse. Creative and artistic self-expression are key for you to stay positive, despite any minor setbacks that may arise. When the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th, you will be feeling dreamier and more imaginative than usual, or like you need a lot of rest! Respect your feelings and emotional cycles as they are important messengers.
The New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th has you thinking about the services you offer to society, Virgo. Aquarius is altruistic and humanitarian- cerebral and intellectual, yes, but also incredibly wise and perceptive with a unique sense of compassion. You are empathic and caring, so these qualities blend well. You can make significant progress in your personal and professional life if you should choose. Be mindful of how Pisces season hits you (19th onwards). Pisces is your opposite sign, an emotional, intuitive, sensitive, and spiritual water sign. There is a wonderful opportunity for balance and integrating some of the less explored parts of your personality, if you can learn to come to terms with your spiritual, imaginative, and creative self. Lose the need to control things and lighten up more. Be like water!
Aquarius season blends beautifully with your energies, Libra. You are feeling inspired, charismatic, bright, and imaginative. Many important mental qualities are enhanced when the Sun is in Aquarius, and there is also a New Moon in this cerebral and altruistic air sign on the 11th. You should be thinking about change and positive transformation at this time. Is there anything you need to let go of to make room for the new to emerge? Meditate and connect to your inner source. Pisces season begins on the 19th and this allows you to feel more empathic, sensitive, and spiritually insightful than usual. If you work in a creative field, make use of this intuitive and artistic energy. Pessimistic thinking and self-doubt can start to take over slightly, at times, but any form of creativity and artistic self-expression will help you overcome this.
There may be a bit of a lone wolf vibe going on until the 19th, Scorpio. Astrology affects us all differently. When the Sun is in Aquarius, an air sign, if there are not supportive people around you who share your passions you may find yourself wanting to spend time in solitude. Creativity and soul gifts are extremely important currently. You should channel your energy into passion projects and imaginative, academic, and intuitive self-expression. Spirituality too. Art, music, poetry and
connecting with the divine are all ways to help you feel empowered, further not falling into anxiety or depression. You already know you are intense and feel deeply, so honor your needs. Pisces season (19th onwards) amplifies your watery, emotional, sensitive, and intuitive gifts! Be amazing, shine at your best, and share your wisdom and insights with those who see you and appreciate your talents.
February is all about service and altruism for you, Sag. Aquarius season opens your mind to your visionary, humanitarian, and community-loving self. You will be extremely focused on the help and service you bring to society and humanity. You may even consider seeking alternative living arrangements like Work-exchange programs, helping animals, children, or the earth itself. Freedom is key for you. Limitations and restrictions will instantly suppress your spirit this month and make you feel trapped, so it is important you seek to broaden your horizons. Pisces season from the 19th fine-tunes your imaginative, artistic, and intuitive gifts. If there are physical setbacks or distractions keeping you from living your dreams, redirect your focus towards personal projects this month. You can make significant progress in passion projects and your unique destiny.
It is all about love and romance for you this month. Venus is still in your own sign Capricorn, and this allows you to feel the full force of this beauty loving, sensual, and pleasure-seeking planet. You are open to love and commitment more than ever before and the New Moon on the 11th energizes this. The New Moon is occurring in altruistic Aquarius. Aquarius is not the most compatible sign for you, but you can appreciate the intellectual and analytical connection. So, make sure you connect to these qualities- mental and cerebral gifts are lit up until the 19th. When the Sun enters Pisces on the 19th, you will be feeling energized, inspired, emotionally on-point and grounded in your talents. Pisces is like a muse to you, you adore the mystical, sweet, sensual, and down-to-earth yet soulful and intuitive energy this water sign brings. Be mindful of suppression and trying to control situations and outcomes. Open up and be more adaptable for success.
This is your month Aquarius! It is Aquarius season and there is a New Moon in your sign. On the 11th, the time of the New Moon, make significant changes to your health, finances, daily habits, career, and love life. Every area of life can be positively affected so meditate on change and optimistic transformation. Romance, soulful bonds, exciting friendships, new business opportunities, and an increase in finances can all be yours if you play your cards right. The key is to know that you are worthy of living your best life, do not give into pessimism or negative thinking. Pisces season from the 19th makes you feel more sensitive and in tune with your emotions than usual. This is excellent! This emotional-intuitive-spiritual energy can be harnessed for success in a work project or goal. Also, if you have any personal projects or behind the scenes commitments, get your creative spark on.
You will be surprising even yourself in the levels of creativity and imaginative insight that come flowing through you this month. Pisces, you know you are amazing, extraordinary, and deeply spiritually perceptive… So, take it to the next level! Aquarius season lights up your cerebral and intuitive gifts; you are feeling more intellectual than usual, but in an artistic and imaginative way. Empathic and selfless, you may choose to begin a new project in charity or humanitarianism too. It is important you focus your energy and not get pulled along with the currents- do not be so adaptable that you waste your days. Achievements, success, and abundance can come to you with hard work and dedication, and you know all too well the true meaning of devotional service. Be true to yourself now, there is no time for shying away from your destiny.
General Astrology for February:
l. A New Moon in Aquarius on the 11th highlights your altruistic, community-oriented, humanitarian, and imaginative side, regardless of your star sign. Because
New Moons are a time for new beginnings & fresh starts, make use of this initiating energy.
2. There is a Full Moon in detail focused and practical Virgo on the 27th. This brings to awareness the structures and physical foundations in your life, particularly domestic life. It is a great time to get your finances and practical affairs in check!
3. Chinese Year of the Ox begins on February 12th. The Ox is representative of hard-work, strength, persistence, and patience. Honesty and fairness are some of the best qualities of the Ox, and they are typically known as traditional and conscientious, methodological, and opinionated. You can tap into these qualities to create new and prosperous beginnings in your life.
Many Blessings, Cecelia
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