Full Moon (LUNAR ECLIPSE) in Taurus:
Amazing Realizations and Long-Lasting Joy
+ Lunar Eclipse!
19th November 2021
Finishing off 2021 is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the earthy grounded sign of Taurus. This happens just before the final month of the year, a Sagittarius month that asks us to shoot for the stars…. The Taurus Full Moon helps you to lay the final foundations for the year to come; to ground everything learned, accomplished, and realized (spiritual/energetic or otherwise) from 2021, and lay some stabilizing roots. Think of your future! Prepare, centre, align, and accept. Full Moons symbolize completions while Lunar Eclipse signify a time of change and soul alignment.
The Sun is in esoterically-inclined, intuitive and psychic, artistically gifted and soulful Scorpio, so these themes will need to be integrated and balanced with the Taurus moon.
Key thing to note:-
Firstly, you should know that this is the first Eclipse occurring on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. There are 6 more Eclipses happening over the coming years, so you may want to take note of the dates now.
● April 2022: Solar Eclipse in Taurus
● May 2022: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
● October 2022: Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
● November 2022: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
● May 2023: Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
● October 2023: Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
This is a powerful portal and November 19th 2021 marks the start of a very significant cycle...
Future Thinking: Vision and Alignment!
A prompt, nudge, and push to make improvements in your life... All areas of life will be undergoing a MAJOR makeover. Self-development, health and well-being, finances and wealth, spirituality and self-care, love and ideal relationships, self-expression and communication- your entire will will be energized and guided in the right direction. Don’t be fearful of change. Discomfort and tension is a sign that you are healing; one massive misconception is that an illness is a negative or harmful thing. In reality, it is your body cleansing and clearing the symptoms.
For example, you have a cold and a cough…. It’s your body releasing the bad stuff that’s keeping you sick. Or you have a stomach ache: it’s your body helping you heal and get better. This is why I live by the philosophy of thanking any pain, discomfort, or dis-ease the moment it arises. This way, my body and mind are given a chance to heal and get better, surrounded by loving vibes and positive energy (instead of perpetuating the sickness by contributing ‘low vibrational' thoughts & feelings!).
This is similar to visualization or mindfulness, however it is more directly changing and altering your system. You can take charge of your health and well-being (and all the other areas outlined above) by picturing the utmost, highest, and best vision of yourself, and then taking steps to secure its manifestation. Manifestation, the law of attraction, visualization techniques, self-therapy and healing are all on the horizon for you; embrace change, let go of fear or self-doubt, and practice self-alignment and boundaries.
Work on your vision. Career, long-term goals, dreams and aspirations, and the things that will contribute to a healthy and happy life, with longevity, are all key themes.
Love & Beauty
You will be redefining your views and beliefs on love and beauty. Not only will you be making important changes in mindset, behavior, and the choices you make, but these will have lasting effects! You won’t want to ‘devolve’ or ‘digress’ ever again after this powerful Lunar Eclipse, and despite the potential for a longer learning period (this eclipse portal is lasting until 2023) you will be wholly committed to the new you. Returning to toxic or lower relationship behaviors and attitudes isn’t an option.
This Full Moon represents the ideologies and life experiences you’ve learned and integrated along your journey. Physical foundations and the roots & structures you’ve created play a major role, and regardless of your age the next 2 years will be all about the final steps you need to establish and create; and the final nuisances, imbalances, and unhealed parts of you that need smoothing over and releasing. The significance of this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse cannot go overlooked.
Venus plays a major role in this November’s Full Moon. Venus, Taurus’ ruler, is the planet of love, beauty, and female sexuality. No matter your gender, you will be feeling more in tune with
your femininity- and if you’re a woman or female-inclined this influence will have you positively swimming in sensual energy and romantic vibrations! Nurturance, warmth, caring, compassion, motherly love, self-love, and a strong desire for romance & intimacy are all highlighted. Pleasing aesthetic environments are becoming a necessity in your life now, beauty and a warming nurturing energy are no longer a luxury. WE all have an inner yin and feminine essence and this philosophy will become fundamental to your understanding of both yourself, and the relationships that ground you.
Childhood Vulnerabilities?
If you're someone who has neglected a healing or spiritual journey, a path involving some form of self-mastery, shadow healing, or working on your childhood wounds and trauma; this may be a shocking time. You could find yourself surprised at how many unseen insecurities, fears, or illusions you have and have been holding on to. Childhood trauma affects us all, and ancestral and family karmas are often kept hidden in the invisible realm. It’s only when we embrace and open ourselves up to the ethereal, subtle, and spiritual energy that we realize there is a whole other world and reality awaiting us.
Meditate, get out old journals, and do what you used to do in youth and childhood. Sit on the grass, take a stroll in nature… return to ‘divine simplicity’ to refind and recentre yourself. Talking to a stranger can fill your heart with joy and remind you of your greatest passions in life, also sparking memories from the past. Taurus symbolizes tradition, roots, and family in addition to sensuality and pleasure. A stroll down memory lane could be just what your higher self ordered.
“Magical Mantras” for this Full Moon in Taurus:
Aries: “I hold my vision steady and make sure all practical alignments are in place.”
Taurus: “Beauty fills my life when I stand strong like a mighty tree. My roots ground me!”
Gemini: “I can access my earthly power to amplify my intellect, ideas, and senses.”
Cancer: “Tranquility comes through determination and practical magic, a balance between humility and self-love.”
Leo: “I find joy and success in the simplest of things; modesty is my mantra.”
Virgo: “My power comes from my emotional intelligence and ability to see the balance & compromise in any situation.”
Libra: “My positive outlook allows me to overcome any obstacles. My physical foundation is strong!”
Scorpio: “I am a force to be reckoned with when I stand strong in my truth and live by my own rules.”
Sagittarius: “I can still be a free-spirit and create strong roots. Security, practicality, and real-world duties are my compass to happiness.”
Capricorn: “Peace, prosperity, and personal power are qualities to live by. With these I attract the best opportunities into my life…”
Aquarius: “I realize that it’s ok to surrender and feel at peace; emotions should be balanced with intellect & logic.”
Pisces: “I am a beacon of hope and inspiration to the world! I lead by example, showing others that sensitivity and selflessness are rare diamonds to possess.”
Many Blessings, Cecelia
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