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July Horoscopes

July Horoscopes - Cecelia Pty Ltd

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

Get ready for an amazing month, Aries! Your creativity will be on fire, fuelled by the power of the full moon. And guess what? The mid-July new moon will remind you to live in the present moment, which can unlock the path to prosperity. Whether you want to take your relationship to the next level or simply enjoy quality "me" time, embracing each moment will be your secret to winning. But hey, be patient and wait for Venus retrograde to end before making any big changes. Instead, focus on nurturing your inner child and practicing self-care. This month is going to be epic!


Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

Hey there, Taurus! As Venus takes a backward spin this month, it is wise to take a pause before making any big permanent changes. Instead, let us focus on self-care rituals that will boost your overall well-being. How about really pampering and focussing on what makes you happy? On another note, Mars is bringing you heaps of creative energy, so embrace it and pursue your artistic dreams! Lastly, Chiron's retrograde motion emphasizes the importance of again self-care. So go ahead and indulge yourself a little; the cosmos approves! Stay formidable, Taurus!


Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

Embrace the realm of emotional intimacy, dear Gemini! As the early July full moon weaves its enchanting spell upon you, it is time to let go of inhibitions and fully immerse yourself. Find comfort in cozy moments and low-key gatherings within the comfort of your abode. Remember, vulnerability brings remarkable rewards. Your social butterfly status remains untarnished as you charm others with confidence. Success in relationships is extremely likely, but exercise caution and avoid oversharing with new acquaintances. Stay fabulous, my dear Gemini!


Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Welcome, lovely Cancer! As we bid farewell to your season, July brings a wave of love and warmth that will fill your days. The full moon in your 7th House of Partnership will strengthen your connections, making that special person your ultimate source of inspiration. As the lunar cycle ends, a new moon in your sign will spark captivating conversations that solidify your commitments. However, as romantic Venus and healing Chiron enter their retrograde phases, it is crucial that you make yourself a top priority. Devote time to nourish your body, mind and soul to maintain robust health. Keep shining, dear Cancer!


Leo (July 23 – August 22):

Attention, majestic Leo! It is that time of the year when you can bask in your own radiant essence as your season unfolds. Do not forget to plan your birthday celebrations and openly communicate your desires to your dear friends. As the confident feline of the zodiac, it is important to find joy in the admiration and attention of others for your overall well-being. The Capricorn full moon early in the month invites you to create a cozy evening in your own sanctuary. And do not worry about Venus retrograde; with all the excitement and vibrancy surrounding your sun-filled season, its influence will barely faze you. Enjoy this spectacular time, Leo!


Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Greetings, lovely Virgo! As we enter this month, an exciting surge of determination awaits you. The planetary alignment encourages self-assurance and the embracing of your exceptional healing abilities. In turn, extending support to those in need will bring you abundance and deepen connections. Moreover, as Chiron embarks on its retrograde journey, it is the perfect time to prioritize self-care and indulge in much-needed pampering. Remember, you deserve all the goodness this month has to offer!


Libra (September 23 – October 22):

Salutations, Libra! Your ruling planet, Venus, commences its retrograde motion this month, serving as a gentle reminder to press the pause button on anything permanent. Fear not, for this presents an opportune moment to redirect your focus toward cultivating delightful wellness rituals that accentuate your natural beauty. Prioritize adequate rest and rejuvenation while indulging now self-care habits. Moreover, the new moon in Cancer beckons you to maintain close contact with your cherished circle of friends and offer them unwavering support whenever they may require it. Additionally, the retrograde motion of Chiron presents an occasion for you to confront unresolved trauma and embark upon a journey of profound healing. Remain connected and resilient, dear Libra!


Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Ah, Scorpio, the month of July brings a mix of difficulties, encouraging you to prioritize self-care amidst the chaos. Embrace your inner strength to overcome challenges and get ready for thrilling adventures with beloved friends. Mars will provide you with a supportive network. Just be cautious with finances and matters of the heart, as Venus starts its retrograde journey. As Chiron enters retrograde, take this chance to heal and embark on a journey of personal growth. With the joyful Leo season beginning, make wellness rituals a top priority, letting the retrogrades be mere whispers in the cosmic dance.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Welcome, dear Sagittarius! July is looking impressive for well-deserved self-care. The full moon in Capricorn is giving you the perfect excuse to pamper yourself and put your well-being first. Get ready for exciting adventures and joyful moments with your loved ones, all thanks to the energetic vibes from Mars. Just a heads up though, financial and romantic talks might hit a bit of a slow spot during the Venus retrograde. Embrace your softer side and take time to nurture yourself as Chiron kicks off its retrograde journey. And guess what? You will end the month being surrounded by lots of love and admiration from those around you. How cool is that?


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

July has arrived, dear Capricorn, this month promises to be filled with intriguing moments, offering you a chance to find balance and prioritize self-care. The full moon early in July, happening in your sign, will bring a surge of emotional energy. Embrace vulnerability and explore your deepest desires. As Mars enters Virgo, an enthusiastic flame will ignite within your soul, fuelling your determination to pursue your ambitions. However, be cautious in matters of the heart and finances as Venus retrogrades. It is wise to delay major decisions until Venus resumes its direct course. Moreover, with Chiron entering retrograde, the universe calls for you to address emotional wounds and embark on a profound healing journey. Remember, dear Capricorn, your well-being is the core foundation of your success. So, take care of yourself as you strive for greatness.


Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Greetings, visionary Aquarius! July is here, and it is time to ignite your imagination and embrace your creative side. The full moon in Capricorn encourages reflection, so take time to ponder and find solace in your own thoughts. Express yourself and share your unique perspective with others - it is a wonderful opportunity to connect with inspiring like-minded individuals. Watch out though, Venus is going retrograde, so be cautious with matters of the heart. Instead, focus on inner growth and finding peace within. Take advantage of Chiron's retrograde to confront past traumas and embark on a healing journey. Stay true to yourself, Aquarius, and let your creativity flourish.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

July is a transformative month for you Pisces. Introspection takes centre stage as you delve into the depths of your emotions and nurture inner growth. Evaluate your friendships and surround yourself with those who truly support and understand your dreams. Ambition surges as Mars ignites your professional sector, fuelling your drive to pursue career aspirations. However, as Venus begins its retrograde phase, proceed with caution in matters of the heart and refrain from impulsive decisions. Prioritize self-love and emotional well-being. With Chiron's retrograde journey, it is time to release old wounds and shed emotional baggage. Embrace solitude and introspection to emerge as a stronger and empowered version of yourself, dear Pisces.


Important Astrological Dates in July 2023:

1. Monday, July 3: Full moon in Capricorn

2. Monday, July 17: New moon in Cancer

3. Saturday, July 22: Venus goes retrograde in Leo Aries (March 21 – April 19):

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