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New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo: Practical Wisdom

On September 17, we will witness a New Moon in earthy Virgo. New Moons always represent a brand new beginning: they are inaugurating a lunar cycle of growth and experimentation, they give us a chance for a fresh start and the cyclical opportunity to begin anew.

The Sun and the Moon are joining forces at 25° of the sign of the Maiden, offering us the possibility to set an intention, plant a seed, and create something new in our lives.

The New Moon in Virgo is the cosmic event you want to take advantage of if you have a dream, an idea, a project and you want to make it real and tangible. Fully harnessing its power allows us to clear our vision and to efficiently plan, organize, and schedule what we need to do to make our dreams come true, to manifest them in the 3D world.

Virgo: Striving for Perfection

Virgo is the sixth archetype of the Zodiac: it is a Mutable, Yin, and Earth sign whose functions are continual self-improvement, discernment, and putting one's knowledge at service of the world. Being a mutable archetype, Virgo has the potential to have multiple areas of expertise and to bring forward multiple projects at once. Multitasking, versatility, and mental flexibility are some of its qualities.

Through deep self-analysis and self-reflection, this archetype allows us to clearly see what doesn't work so that we can put specific adjustments in place: the goal is to improve ourselves, the way we do things, and the current reality.

Virgo teaches us that life is a never-ending work in progress. The tasks on our to-do list will never be over: there will always be something else to do, something that can be better. The sign of the Maiden represents the perpetual search for perfection. In this process, it becomes easy to feel constantly unsatisfied and unhappy with our life and to see it just as a series of problems we need to solve.

Yet, through the highest, conscious expression of Virgo, we also learn to accept the present moment and the current situation: we see it as a necessary step in time and space that is inherently perfect in itself.

Discernment and Healing

The New Moon in Virgo reminds us about the importance of discernment and common sense and invites us to organize our days more effectively and efficiently. To do so, we need to be able to discriminate and choose what obligations we take on, who we listen to, what information we gather, what we invest our focus, and life force energy in. Virgo aims to learn, share, and implement practical wisdom, useful for ourselves and others. The knowledge we possess, when properly organized and presented, has the potential to have a significant impact on others.

Virgo is sometimes considered the healer of the Zodiac. This sign rules our digestive system, and it is associated with what we feed to our bodies, physically, energetically, and emotionally. The New Moon in Virgo invites us to cultivate a holistic concept of health that recognizes the connection of all parts to the whole, taking into account the wellbeing of our body, mind, and spirit. This cosmic event encourages us to recognize and to align with what our whole being truly needs to feel good, energized, and balanced.

Speaking our Truth and Setting Clear Intentions

The ruler of the New Moon is Mercury, now traveling through Libra. Mercury's transit through the sign of the Scales encourages us to say what's on our mind in a way that is direct and honest, yet respectful and polite. This New Moon in Virgo invites us to clear our minds, set precise intentions for the future, and let other people know about what we really think, want, and feel.

Mercury in Libra is in a square aspect to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. This configuration represents an invitation to be mindful of the power of our words and to speak our truth authentically. These squares remind us to take into consideration the social context and the situation we are currently in, and that we need to adjust our language and word choice accordingly.

New Moon in Virgo: Manifesting Magic

Working with the energy of this New Moon is fantastic for conscious manifestation, and it promotes the consolidation of what we already achieved and want to maintain. Virgo is an Earth archetype, and Earth is concrete, stable, and solid. Earth signs are famous for being reliable and trustworthy, for having the capability to commit to whatever effort it takes to achieve their goals, hopes, and dreams: on this New Moon, we are encouraged to do the same.

Sun and Moon in Virgo are forming a harmonious trine to Saturn retrograde in Capricorn. This is another favorable aspect for manifestation and intention setting: it increases the possibility that our intentions concretize in the three-dimensional reality, and that the results of our work last for a long time.

The New Moon in Virgo truly offers us the chance to manifest abundance in our lives, but this can happen only if we manage to align our words, thoughts, and beliefs with our feelings and emotions. We are much more powerful than we expect, and we do have the power to create our reality. Nonetheless, for this to be possible, we need to believe in ourselves fully. The New Moon in Virgo invites us to think, speak, and especially feel as if we already had everything we wanted.

Blessings, Cecelia

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