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November Horoscopes

November Horoscope - Cecelia Pty Ltd

Aries (March 20 - April 19): Time to take a breath so you can count your
blessings, Aries! Your career and social life are reaching a culmination point. Reaping
the results of everything you’ve worked for thus far. If not financial reward or
recognition, it could be a creative interest you’ve invested in lately. All of which you
may have considered as a new career path. Though you should be wary of any career
opportunities or business partnerships that seem too good to be true.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Hallelujah to November, Taurus! An internal battle
between yourself and your faith are finally making a truce starting this month. New
beginnings in your love and family life in recent months have expanded your
awareness. All of which is transforming you on a cellular level and allowing you to
make peace with what was. Putting you in a much better position to have difficult
yet empowering conversations. Quality time with loved ones and rest will prepare
you for the best that’s on its way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Just a few more strides until you reach the finish line,
Gemini! Recent upgrades in your love life and education means you’re thoroughly
considering the long haul. Including the who, what, and where. Whether it’s
graduation, engagement, or a new relationship. Love and career opportunities that
are presented to you now are quite promising. All of which can bolster your
optimism and motivation to finish out strong.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Some rain showers have their double rainbows, Cancer!
True colours regarding someone at work or in your love life have shined through
recently. Thinking someone is too good to be true, for better or worse. Whether it’s a
love interest, business partnership, or job. Your sentiments, nonetheless, are putting
a damper on you. Believe in the best and watch it unfold right before your eyes.
Trust the universe— and your gut— on this one.

Leo (July 23-August 22): Your heat doesn’t stop during the warmer months, Leo!
Perhaps you’ve felt down or less motivated in areas of your home life and creative
pursuits. All of which is finally passing this month, as changes around where you
live are more promising now. An ideal time for sprucing up or redecorating your
home. Though any creative activities are suitable. As you’ll experience sudden
creative bursts that you shouldn’t let go to waste.

Virgo (August 23-September 22): Home is where the friendship is this month,
Virgo! You’ve dedicated much of yourself to the long term aspects of your career
and home life in recent months. From home improvement, relocating, to new
career opportunities. Despite your increased motivation, creativity blocks can set
you back. An ideal time for catching up with old friends and delving into leisure
time. All of which can offer the aha! moment you need.

Libra (September 23-October 22): Time to put your mouth where the money is,
Libra! Your finances and career have felt more like walking than talking. Even if
actions speak louder than words, not everyone is receptive to your action’s volume.
All of which is wearing you out in the process, as you don’t feel as seen or heard as
you’d like. This month is about learning the art of self-marketability. Journaling or
other creative hobbies that refine your self-expression are key to achieving this.

Scorpio (October 23-November 22): Cheers to your birthday season, Scorpio!
You may not be up for the celebration at first given how much has been happening
with your home and creative life. Expect everything to chill out during the summer
months. In the meantime, treat yourself and be open to any invitations to celebrate
the occasion with friends or family. Financial upgrades are also due this month.
Meaning go ahead and treat yourself while you’re at it.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21): Surrender to the sweetness this month,
Sagittarius! Blessings in love and finances have been the oenomel that’s gotten you
through. Though your sweet tooth for your relationships or career might lose the
craving for the time being. The eclipses happening in your sign this month can hit
you with overwhelming intuitive downloads. Pushing you to retreat and lay low for
the time being. Honor any need for space for solitude. Though the universe is
cranking up the party come your birthday season, so get ready.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Gratitude is the attitude this month,
Capricorn! November is the curtain call for a heck of a year you’ve had thus far.
Upgrades in your career, finances and self-image means it’s about time you can
finally chillax. Relaxing can help you resolve unfinished business pertaining to your
family or living situation. Much is looking up for you moving forward. So be sure to
thank your lucky star.

Aquarius (January 20-February 17): You’re on top of the world this month,
Aquarius! The universe is highlighting career and creativity sectors. Overall
improvement in areas of love, home, and health means you can channel yourself into
something that lights you up from the inside out. All of which can be an antidote to
any health ailments or emotional pressure you’re experiencing. Opportunities in
leadership or independent work are strongly present at this time— so take a leap of
faith with yourself.

Pisces (February 18-March 19): Time to spread your wings, Pisces! The jet lag
from the past two months is finally clearing out for you. Your travel and love life
have recently opened the floodgate to your heart. Feeling more inspired to go big
and go home. Whether it’s a new degree, relationship, marriage, home, or plans to
move elsewhere. All of which is helping you set realistic yet creative goals for

Blessings, Cecelia

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