On August 18th or August 19th, depending on where you live, we are witnessing a New Moon in Leo: this celestial event is happening at 26°35’ of the sign of the Lion.
Full Moon in Aquarius: Reclaim your Uniqueness
We start the month with a potent Full Moon in Aquarius, taking place on August 3rd at 11:58 AM EST. During these days, the energy is inviting cleansing, rest, and purification. The Moon is encouraging us to release what we no longer need or want in our lives.
During August, you are still being supported by the transit of Mars through your sign. With the Sun in Leo and Mercury joining it on August 5, the fiery, fierce energy keeps growing. Leo season feels like home for you, dear Aries.
On July 20th, we are experiencing the second New Moon in Cancer of 2020: after the Solar Eclipse we had on the Solstice, at 0° Cancer, Sun and Moon meet again in the sign of the Crab, this time at 28°26’.
On July 5, a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn finally closes the gateway of transformation that opened a month ago, with a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.
We are in the midst of Eclipse season and a lot is going on in the sky. On June 21st, we are going to witness a Total Solar Eclipse: the Moon will pass in front of the Sun, which will appear like a ring of fire. This cosmic event will be visible from parts of Asia and Africa.
The one thing that opens doors to endless possibilities and opportunities is feeling good. We like ourselves better when we feel good, the universe likes us better when we feel good, and as a result life feels better too.
Crystals have been around for millions of years, and their use has been known for their healing properties and powers. Often, crystals are used to help clear, shift, align and transform energy, not only being able to assist one in a spiritual journey but their benefits extend to physical health also.
How do you talk to yourself? How do you communicate with you? Do you come from a place of love? Do you speak to yourself kindly? Do you come from a place of understanding? Would you communicate in this same way with someone you love? How we speak to ourselves might just be the most […]